Chapter 1

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They sit outside in the pale moonlight staring up at the stars and telling their secrets to one another. He see's tears fall down from her once bright green eyes and he tries to figure out how to fix it. She tells him the only time she is ever really happy is when she is with him and with that she goes back to looking up at the stars not expecting what happens next. He slowly lays her down with the idea of showing her how much he truly cares about her but what he doesn't know is she is so very deep in love with him that it hurts.
He lays her on the soft grass, it flattening under her body as she lays easily thinking in her mind that its wrong to be touching like this yet its something she's wanted since she met him. As he's laying her down he softly kisses her and its everything a first kiss with your true love should be. Toe curling stomach clenching fire works in the air and she eagerly kisses her true love back, and she wakes up to it all being a dream.

She gets out of bed and walks the short distance from her bedroom to the bathroom. There she looks in the mirror her green eyes don't have that old sparkle in them anymore, they look dull and washed out from all the stress and hurt she went through with her history. From the time she was a young baby until she turned 18 her mother would beat her. On top of the abuse from her mother she also got it from her brother and her sister. Her mother and brother were the worst out of it all. Jeroldean was her mother her brothers name was Josh and her sister Carla. Her mother would beat her black and blue for no reason at all. At this thought the flashbacks come rolling in.

The rapes the beating everything came at her at once, too much for her to handle so she put her hand through the mirror. 12 years old waking up blood in her panties not knowing what happened she was sore down there but her mother said she was just becoming a woman nothing to worry about. Next day no more blood, she was confused but as the years passed she forgot about it. 17 now talking to a counselor, he brings up the fact that she could have been raped as a young girl. At those words flash backs come rolling in never before. She closes her eyes at the though feeling disgusted with herself.

Rewind years before fighting with her brother. He always fought dirty whipping her, he'd burn her, or he'd resort to the worst. Letting his friends have their way with her. One after another she'd be abused, used, and assaulted. They were restless and brutal giving no time to get used to the feeling. When they had their fill they'd leave her. Shed crawl to Ber room or the bathroom to clean up or get herself presentable looking like nothing ever happened to her but the emotional scars were still there.

The scars would never leave her. She would always remember those horrible things that happened to her. 12 through 18 years old raped countless times. She tried to commit suicide countless times. 15 years old mother catches her smoking calls up her brother Josh to "take care" of the problem and she watched as he slammed her into the ground wrapped his hands around her throat and tried to kill her. After that she tried to get her revenge.

There were poison berries in the backyard she knew if she gave her mother enough it'd make her sick deathly sick. So she went out and picked a handful crushed them up and put them in a jam. She was going to feed it to the cold hearted woman she called her mother but she couldn't bring herself to do it.

She wasn't that kind of girl.
18 years old fighting with her grandmother she takes off running couldn't handle the abuse anymore. Went back to her fathers. She may have had to still deal with her brother but she was okay about it. She tried to ignore the abuse at least this time it was only him. Months into it her father starts getting sick. He's very I'll and they think their gonna loose him soon. She's so upset about it and it tears her a part seeing him the way he is. Now finally 19 the time period of this story she has had her own apartment in a crappy town but she may loose it. Now as she tries to balance life friends and being pregnant she weeps cold as the ice that has grown in her veins.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2015 ⏰

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