Life as a Burden.

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Now if there's one thing in life I hate it would be my dad.

And mom. Sometimes  I just wonder why they even put up with me. After all I'm just a Burden to the family  like they say.

I have a younger sister and a older brother so that means I'm the middle child which really sucks.

My dad is abusive  my mom is Alcoholic  and she does drugs.

And my house feels like Hell.

My dad would always say that him hitting me is just to teach me a lesson I dont really get that punching me in the nose till it bleeds is not ok.

He even does the same to my mom.

But my mom is out in the streets and has connections.

Like that supposed to mean anything.

Since both parents cant take care of us my brother does I like the feeling of having a sober brother who can just carry your life as if he carried everybody's life.

My brother Anthony was my only brother and the best brother ever my sister ebony which was my little sister was all I had aswell.

I remember  the time when my dad set our old house on fire to kill my mom after they got into a heated argument.

Sometimes  I wish I was adopted.

My dad is always hitting  on everyone  in the house hes one of the reasons  why all three of my pets are dead.

I used to have a pet mice,Hamster,turtle.

He killed the mice by letting my brothers best friend  bring the cat over. And he knew exactly  what he was doing. And he didn't care.

And he killed my hamster  by chopping  up chunks of rat poison  and feeding it to my hamster.

And then last but not least my turtle he killed it by running it over with his motorcycle.

Those were one of the worse days ever and my mom didn't  seem to give one flying care.

All she just said is "well they were pretty  annoying  anyway " the thoughts of her saying that just made my stomach  weak.

I just felt like vomiting.

And everytime my dad would try to get better he just ends up doing WORSE.

I still cant believe  I'm his child. Sometimes  I just wanna take his gun that he used on my mom and pull the trigger  and watch the blood stream from his head but that will never happen.

But one day I was walking  to school and I saw this boy in the nearby  forest  where I used to take my turtle it was our happy place.

He was sitting on one of the boulders that was on the ground.

I crept  up to were he was sitting  and said "hi do you go here?" I asked and he simply replied  to me with a No. I looked kind of startled. Just thinking  of the thought why would a kid be here if he doesn't  go to the same school?.

And I sat next to him and said "so this is your happy place to I'm guessing?" And he said "I dont think of this as a happy place I think of it as a person." I looked at him with pure confusion. I didn't  get what he meant when he said that and he looked back at me and read my facial expression and said. "You dont get it do you?" I said "no not really so explain  please". He said "Mother earth I think of this as mother earth"

"You see this nature all around dont you?" I said yes in a startled way but I wasn't  judging.

He said "I remember  in the summer  time the water used to move gracefully  in the river". "And now it's just still. So that means it's no longer  good water anymore."

He was right when he said that. But I just wanted to learn more about this guy.

He said "my name is Oliver if your wandering" and the thing is I wasn't  wondering.

Al I wanted to know who this kid really was.

In fact he wasn't  even a kid he was a year older than me which was 16 I'm only 15.

And he seemed like a down to earth type of guy.

I said "hey can we exchange  phone numbers I know a lot about this forest and I can show you a few secrets about I and when you feel like talking to me about I'm just a call away." I said.

And he said "thanks I would live to know more about this forest and yes let's exchange  phone numbers".

And I said "thank you and bye."

He didn't  say bye back which was pretty weird but I just brushed it off now I had to face the fact that I just missed 30 minutes  of class talking to this strange boy.

But I felt like it was worth it.

I looked back to see if he was there and he was gone. Its almost  like he vanished.

But I just brushed it off and hope that my teacher doesn't  criticize  me for being late like I always do.

Theres just so many things you can learn about a person and when you learn you cant stop you wanna learn more.

And that's exactly  what I wanted to do to oliver.

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