Twists and Turns

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Kuroko Shirai sipped her peach juice as she sat on top of a skyscraper nearest to the Main Park. It was 15:30, with some clouds floating around in the sky, and she heard the sounds of children joyfully playing around in the park. Some playing tag, others gathered around the fountain and tried to avoid the spouts on the floor, and some were together with their parents, climbing up and playing with their dads and moms.

Kuroko warmly smiled, looking on the park and seeing the joyful activities those kids had.

While a part of her slightly sunk in gloom due to her own experiences within Judgement she replaced that sadness with a brightened determination, to serve and protect all the people living inside Academy City.

A vow to protect those in need, those lacking in power, in strength. It was her duty to the people, and to Academy City.

"Miss Shirai there's an alert for Judgement nearby, right around 2 alleys away from your location." Her earphone sparked into life as her partner, the Goalkeeper Kazari Uiharu told her of a crime in progress.

"Roger that Uiharu, I'm on my way," she said on the phone, before removing the straw from the juice carton and drinking up the remaining juice.

"Finally, some action." She quipped as she made the necessary calculations in her mind to prepare a 'travel leap'. Before she teleported she took a glance at the kids in the park.

With a slight smile she disappeared without a trace.

Kuroko propelled through the air as she 'leaped' though the air continously, frequently re-adjusting her calculations and coordinations within space to prevent severe accidents throughout her flight.

And throughout her flight as she got there she continuously scanned the alleys for any crimes committed.

Her gut had told her the trouble was nearby.

With her bag in hand, she sprinted as fast as possible before things got worse. And thanks to her stamina it took her around 8 seconds to get there.

Preparing her calculations for battle she stopped in front of the alley, and announced herself, holding up her armband.

"This is Judgement! We've heard calls of distress from this area, surrender peacefully or-" she started to say before stopping herself.

There was no need for Judgement this time, it seems.


"Ever heard the saying "Crime doesn't pay"? Cuz' if you hadn't then you're bigger idiots than I thought. The hell you thinking, going around messing up someone's business when I'm here swinging and saving." Spider-Man quipped to 4 thugs, all tied up in his webbing.

It had been a few weeks since Oyafune and Komoe scolded him for his lack of assignments. The fall from the building might've opened his bag and flew the papers away. But he tried to make sure the bag was closed and clipped down tight.

Welp, even with his powers it seems some things never change.

Cramming last night to complete said homework was torture. Especially without coffee.

He learned the hard way that coffee had... very interesting effects on his body, to say the least. Of course in a previous biology lesson it's said that coffee is to spiders what beer is to people.

If only he realised it... Perhaps the Ramen Incident would've never happened.

"Owww," Spidey muttered to himself rubbing his side.

"Something wrong? Are you okay?"

'Hmmm?' He turned around to see the person he saved still here. They had short light brown shoulder-length hair, a small side ponytail adorned on her right. She wore a girl's middle school sailor uniform, and had made a concerned face towards him.

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