Wish - Poem

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There are things I want to do

Things that can make a difference

But no one will give you the time

They just have no patience

I miss the person I want to be

The one that I have lost

I tried to be someone that I’m not

And now I'm paying the cost

I just wish that you would read this

And know how you make me feel

Because every time I talk to you

You don’t listen to my appeal

I’m just being a drama queen

Over exaggerating everything

Why can’t you just see this poem?

And see what I am battling

I feel that I’m on my own

With God the only one there

The only person I should really need

Is he the only one that cares?

The only problem is God can't hold you

When you’re scared or sad or lonely

There is no one there to hear the midnight cries

But hey its jess, yea only

You lie awake and wonder

Am I really that bad?

Why is it with everything I do?

I am making people mad?

I just wish you could see this poem

And then finally understand

What I feel is really…

That I want my daddy’s hand.

Wish - PoemWhere stories live. Discover now