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[Short chapter.
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The three schools were once again got together for the last task. The quidditch field was overflowing with cheers, the sound of the marching band and different colors of banners and posters of the champions.

Champions started to walk out of their changing rooms to be greeted by the excited crowd. Some faces were even painted in their champions colors. Yellow for Cedric. Blue for Fleur. Green for Mara. Red for Harry and red and black for Krum.

When all the champions lined in front of the huge maze Dumbledore took his place on the small platform to do his speech. "Sonorus!" Music immediately stopped as the students took their seats. Dumbledore went on about the rules and obstacles that they were going to be facing today.
"Now, as Mr. Diggory..." before he could even finish his sentence the Hufflepuff crowd erupted into cheers. Amos Diggory took a hold of his son's hand raising in the air with a proud smile.

"... and Mr. Potter..." this time the Gryffindors started cheering their champion. "... are tied for the first position, they will be the first to enter the maze, followed by Miss Blake, Mr. Krum and Miss Delacour." The crowd broke into cheers as each champion was announced.

"The first person to touch the cup will be the winner!" Snape took his place next to the Slytherin girl who was quite anxious about this task. She had a nightmare yesterday and ever since then she had this feeling that something was going to happen.
And Dumbledore's small speech about the dangerous creatures and people changing in the maze didn't help her thoughts at all. "You will be fine." he mumbled, don't knowing what else to say.
"Champions, prepare yourselves!" Mara took a glance at the Slytherin stand, searching for Theo. When they met eyes she noticed a little bit of worry in his eyes even though he tried so hard to hide it.

He knew she was more than capable of protecting herself but he couldn't help but have a bad feeling about it. Worried would not be enough to describe his current situation. He was in a constant fear— panic that something was going to happen to her. But he still tried to stay positive and gave her a reassuring smile.

"On the count of three. One—" You got this. Theo mouthed before she turned around, now facing the dark, misty maze. The loud 'Bang!' once again interrupted Dumbledore, making him give a Really? look towards Filch.

The champions entered the maze one by one. The sound of the trumpets and cheers fading as they went deeper.

The bushes started moving, making Mara turn around quickly as a reflex. Watching the tall wall close. The last thing she saw was a pair of blue eyes that had a little hint of worry in them.

Now they were all by themselves.

With cautious steps Mara walked down the small path between the long walls that was making it impossible to see over. She pulled her wand out of her pocket muttering a quick "Lumos"

Tightly gripping her wand in her hand she started going through different directions not sure where she was headed. Her chosen path seemed completely deserted.

She kept turning right and left, checking every corner to make sure there was no danger. It started getting darker and darker in each passing second making it harder for not only Mara but the other four students too.

She was about to take another right when a loud rustling sound caught her attention followed by a scream. Not so long after a red spark appeared in the air showing that one of the champions was out.

Four left.

She had to keep going. She was close. She could feel it.

She kept walking down the enchanted misty path to get hung in the air. Her legs were tied with ivys and it was slowly moving on her body, capturing all of her. She then found herself on the ground, being dragged down the path she just came from.

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