Chapter one

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I had covid and couldn't sleep due to my throat closing whenever it relaxed whenever I tried to fall asleep so I had to wear a breathing machine and it was 3 AM when I decided to write this short little fanfic for our sad beautiful blue Shadowsinging batboy Az. Enjoy :) Let me know if you want a part two.

Chapter One:

Calliope was raised in the human world for as far as she could remember. For as far as her memories served her, she was not human. Raised in poverty and under consistent abuse she fled. She felt a pull towards the woods that were barricaded. No one was allowed to enter, but she found she could. She had been wandering for days through the woods, looking for any type of shelter. She had eventually found an abandoned, run-down cottage, that she decided to call her own. She lived in secret for almost 2 years before she met another person. Well, not a person per se, but fae.

She was on one of her daily walks searching for fruits and berries when she heard a young voice screaming and pleading for help. She grabbed her swinging ax with a better grip and quickly made her way toward the screaming. She thought she would vomit at the sight before her. Tall gangly fae men were ripping the clothes from a young girl as she thrashed and clawed at them. Cal took this as her sign to attack. She quickly laid waste to the first 2 behind them, slicing their necks quietly. She shuddered at the feel of their lives slipping away, but she didn't stop long enough to ponder it before she pounced on the man kneeling before the young girl. She didn't see the knife in his hand as he wound it behind him and sliced her thigh. She hissed and yanked him backward. That's when she felt her darkness come out. A small comfort washed over her as the eyes of the fae widened in horror. He started thrashing harder against her and threw his head back, smashing into her nose. Her grip loosened and it was enough for him to roll out of her arms and up to his feet quickly. She slid up and crouched in front of the girl who was shaking and holding her knees to her chest, trying to cover herself. She undid the sash on her waist and tossed it behind her without looking back. The fae hissed at her, but she only raised an eyebrow. Unimpressed. She was not a great fighter, but she was very quiet and quick when needed, but her thigh was aching and in pain from the wound he inflicted upon her. If she put too much pressure, her leg would give out. She waited for him to come to her instead. And he did. Sloppily. He sprung like a cat and that's when she struck. Right into his dick. He let out a horrible noise and he dropped, hands cupping himself. Her ears felt as if they would bleed at any moment from the loud tone. She leaned over and slammed his head back, effectively knocking him out. She ripped her tank top off and ripped the side before tying it around her bleeding thigh as a tourniquet. Then she turned to face the little... fae girl. She ignored the pain in her leg and she brushed tears from the girl's face and helped her stand, wrapping her sash around her securely, pooling like a dress on her before she spoke. "Are you alright, love?"

The girl sniffled but nodded. Her hand clutching hers now, before her eyes widened in horror behind her. She went to turn around as her darkness moved to spring forward, but before she could she felt a horrible pain in her side. She screamed as she yanked away and back around and found a few more of the men there. She felt so angry and cornered and scared for the girl. "Run." She told the girl. "Fast and as far as you can. Do it. Now." And the girl did exactly as she was told, but not before gently squeezing her hand before doing so. She disappeared in seconds.

As a male started moving in her direction, she stepped in front and hissed. "Pigs." She seethed as she lowered herself into a crouch and unsheathes a curved dagger from her boot. One snarled and charged right at her. She slid forward gracefully and quickly, one swipe up and he fell to the side, eyes wide, and didn't get up. 2 others growled and ran forwards. She ignored the pain and she danced around them, avoiding and stealthily moving them in the opposite direction the girl went. She murmured little taunting words their way, angering them more. She didn't take notice of the sky. She didn't see the dark ferocious winged man that was barreling toward them. She was bleeding too much, her eyes getting blurry, she felt a dizzy spell and slightly faltered her step. That one little move gave them the advantage and they swarmed her. She was slammed to the ground, and her cry of pain rang out into the open. She was trapped and cornered. Never a good feeling for her. She felt the darkness within her rise at a rapid rate and just as she saw their eyes widen in fear before they could move, it burst from her as she screamed. They went flying back, some into trees and others too far to see. Trees bent backward, and anything loose near her went flying. She was a black storm of shadows as she panted on her back, trying to catch her breath. She heard some groans and shuffles and heard some grunting as they neared her again. She didn't have the energy though, to do anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2022 ⏰

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