The origins

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"Finally, after so long my goal is accomplished" said ???

"Can't believe zetsu tried to backstab me, literally. Though he ended up breaking his whole arm and died after I literally glanced at him. Bitch deserved it. Anyway what now?"

If one was to look at this person's surrounding, they would see absolute chaos. Destruction spanning miles of now unarable land. Hundreds of bodies, lifeless. But more were inside of a wooden cocoon. This person is of course Madara muthafucking Uchiha, last name included.

"Lets see, my life long goal of putting the entire world inside infinite tsukuyomi is done, my opponent included. I have become the strongest being alive, being the jinchuriki of the juubi, posses the rinne-sharingan, shit on all over the people I despised(aka Naruto and those trying to stop me after Infinite Tsukuyomi), and have permanently scarred many people.... seems I have fulfilled all there is for me" said Madara.

"That is, for this world atleast" continued Madara after smiling like a certain muscle named Yujiro does when he walked in on his son and gf in a room together.

"Not so fast" ?🍜? stated after appearing out of nowhere.

"Wha-" Madara, cut of from speaking, Madara was launched at mach korosensei after being punched. After ragdolling for about 10 seconds, he crashes through a series of mountains that somehow went undamaged and totally weren't spawned in and skidded on the ground, leaving a trail of destruction.

'Son of a bitch, that actually hurt. And it seems that just his punch has the same effects as that Guy named Gay? Gai? I forgot his name already' thought the now kind of hurt Madara.

After recuperating, Madara sensed the same presence now behind him and immediately stood up to face him, only to see the unknown man's face looking down and shadowed. "What do you want? Hell, who, no, what are you after not being affected by Infinite Tsukuyomi (IT)?"

"Me? I'm a ramen enthusiast. A ramen store owner. I'm a ramen chef. I'm the ramen guy, Teuchi. But more importantly-" Ranted Teuchi. After taking a short stop, he looks up at Madara and, for the first time in history, OPENS THEM. "I'm a father. The father of my daughter named *Insert Name Here*, who was recently just IT'ed. And I'm here to stop it."

And lets just say, if it wasn't Madara standing there, anyone else would have been so SHOOK that they would die of a shook heart

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

And lets just say, if it wasn't Madara standing there, anyone else would have been so SHOOK that they would die of a shook heart. Not being able to restrain his thoughts and expression, Madara demanded for answers. "WHAA- EHHH- EXCU- THE NANI FUCK?!?!?!? WHAT THE FUCK ARE THOSE EYES!? THEY'RE LIKE THE RINNEGAN, BUT WITH RAMEN!!!???! ALSO, YOU'RE THAT GUY!?!?!? THE GUY THAT ONLY SELLS RAMEN AT A STORE IN KONOHA!!!! HOW DOES A GUY LIKE YOU POSSESS SUCH EYES AND POWER!?!?"

After listening to Madara, Teuchi smirks and answers him, "Well, might as well answer the questions of a dead man. These eyes you see are certainly related to the rinnegan as you have pointed out. Long long ago before jutsus were even made, there was once a pretty lady named Kaguya Otsutsuki. After being betrayed by her previous lover, she isolated herself from the world. After a while, she decided to venture across the vast lands. During this trip, she met me. While I may not be an Uchiha, still possessed the sharingan. Or should I say, MY ramengan. Before meeting Kaguya, I lost my parents in a fund between families. Done with life at that point, I wondered around aimlessly, homeless, and poor. Until I found my teacher. I was trained in the art of ramen by my sensei, Ak Rin Manga. I learned that 4000 year old ramen arts was capable the impossible if you put your mind into it. With these 4000 years old ramen arts and with my pure imagination, I was able to put my life together and obtain the ramengan. Anyway, when I met Kaguya, it was love at first sight. After meeting her, she explained what happened to her and her goal to travel the world, in search of a purpose. I, being the gentleman that I am, offered her some of my ramen. That is when we ended up together. After a while, we had kids. They were named Hagoromo Otsutsuki and Hamura Otsutsuki. Anyway, to have kids we obviously needed to have sex before. And when we did it, we DID it. It was countless amounts of sex. On the bed, got bored of it. On the chairs, had to get many replacements. In the ceiling, the best. After all of that pp training I did, I managed to ascend. I have gotten the rinne-ramengan. However, she suddebly started to stop being herself. She eventually become something that wasn't the Kaguya that I knew. With the help of my sons, we managed to seal her inside the moon. After this, I dedicated my life to my sons and the ramen arts. Being a wielder of both rinne-ramengan and the ramen arts made me unable to age. I wanted to teach my sons these arts to allow them to live with me, but knew that if I did, I could remove the one thing that makes people people, mortality. So, they eventually died. Not without leaving their legacies. After which, I dedicated my life solely to the ramen arts. After hundreds and hundreds of years, I moved to Konoha to permanently settle and set a store so others could taste my 4000 years old ramen arts. After a while, I spotted a homeless child taking shelter underneath trash. Missing having children, I adopted her, *Insert Name Here*. She become the daughter I love. The one you IT'ed. And for what these eyes can do, well, you will see."

After finishing his monologue, Teuchi finally notices that Madara was long gone.

"No u" said Madara after Teuchi's eyes suddenly gets gouched out by a Limbo Madara that suddenly teleported there. After which Teuchi gets ganged up on by many Limbo Madaras and bit the ramen.

'Well that was anticlimactic. Actually, so were many of my fights! Who the fuck actually answers their opponent's questions and monologues!? No matter, I won and that's what matters. Wonder what they're dreaming? Probably defeating me, getting married, getting nerfed, have kids, face against space aliens, and win all over again after having some friends die. For some reason though when I look at Naruto and Sasuke and think of that I feel annoyed. Bet that Ramen fucker is gonna name his kid something along the lines of Boruto because he is shit at naming and doesn't care about him enough to actually try long enough to think of a good name. On the other hand, bet that emo ia gonna fuck a trashbin and produce the only uchiha to uses glasses.' thought Madara.

'Well, time to actually fuck with the teleportation ability of the rinne-sharingan and meet dimension aliens.'

And so he did. He didn't find any aliens, which disappointed him to no end. He went on to fuck with it so much he accidentally caused a rip in the fabric of reality and caused a super black hole to appear. Of course, he immediately teleported away and as far away as possible. In doing so, he unknowingly put in an exponentially larger amount of chakra in and managed to teleport to a different universe.


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