Gord the Rogue

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by Gary Gygax

A collection of short stories

feattiring Gord, his Mends, and his foes Dlustrated by Jerry TirltlUi Edited by Pamela O'Neffl



Copyright ©1987 Trlgee Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved.

The stories In NIGHT ARRANT are set In the locale described In the WORLD OF GRETHAWK™ Fantasy Game Setting, which was created by Gary Gygax. Characters, towns, places, and landmarks from that product are used pursuant to license from TSR, Inc. All characters and names In this book are fictitious.

This book Is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or other unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein Is prohibited without the express written permission of the copyright holder.

GORD THE ROGUE Is a trademark owned by Trigee Enterprises Corporation.

The New Infinities Productions logo Is a trademark owned by New Infinities Productions, Inc.

WORLD OF GREYHAWK and DUNGEONS ft DRAGONS are trademark* owned by TSR. Inc. The use of these terms In this product has not been approved by TSR, Inc.

The name "Ace" and the "A" logo are trademarks belonging to Charter Communications, Inc.

First Printing. September 1087 Printed fat the United States of America

Distributed by the Berkley Publishing Group. 200 Madison Avenue. New York NT 1OO16

987654321 ISBN: O-441-29863-X

New Infinities Productions, Inc.

P.O. Box 127

Lake Geneva WI S3147


7    The Heart of Darkness

47   The Weird Occurrence

     in Odd Alley

111  A Revel in Rel Mord

167  The Five Dragon Bowl

199     Twistbuck's Game

229  Tlie House in the Tree

275  Cats Versus Rats

303  Love Laughs at Locks

337     CatorRgeon?


Tills work is especially for all those who love the fun of fantasy adventure, whether in game form or tall tale. Among this honored band are the players in my game campaign, as well as friends and associates who just might appear in one form or another in these pages.

Other books by Gary Gygax

Saga of Old City

Artifact of Evil

Sea of Death

The Heart of Darkness

ENEEVER ZIG LOOKED THE PART of a wizard. His robe was rusty black and appliqued with signs and symbols. The girdle that bound it to his thin waist was likewise covered with glyphs and runes of odd sort. He wore a pointed hat that matched his robe down to showing crescent moons, stars, and similar depictions of celestial objects. The willowy-shaped wizard was adorned with strange jewelry befitting a great spell-worker. Brooches, amulets, pendants, bracelets, and rings were all of unusual design and unknown workmanship. These precious gems bore arcane engravings and were set with weird minerals. A pair of ritual daggers hung from the old sorcerer's dragonhide girdle, as did a metal case that looked to be about the right size to house a wand.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2009 ⏰

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