Poetics Of Love And Despair

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In search of the truth

Look unto, onto, into— that which envelopes it

Look to darkness, where it can only be concealed

There seek for light as darkness covers…




traverse with reality

I question its spiritual qualities

As is this not symmetry to desire

Demonic with innocence, I prevail in transcending


Arise o hands to the moon

For coming down the rays it will soon

Sing an ode to its apogee

Dance once more from the bondage free…

Betwixt the trees and betwixt the rocks

In through and throughout the many flocks

Dance dear feet to the midday sun

In estranged joyful madness do

Sing an ode to the rays bright light

Prance betwixt the floors do

For soon ye shall walk these hands

That the box they carry shall unscrew…


Let me find my garden of peace

Where I may dwell

Deep in my emotions

Let me find my mountain of peace

Where I may dream

Far in my cogitations

Let me find my forest of peace

Where I may walk

In the love of the Divine Spirit.


Soul of Sorrow

Long is the night,

For the spirit who’s hopes

Lie in the dark

At the bottom of the sea

Lies its key, to new dawning hope

Door to life

Deep is the heart

In despair for the soul

That wishes beyond

Far down the abyss

Lies its globe of light, to bliss


With baited breath I wait

For that fatal crash in life

When I finally see

All life’s futility

Standing before me

A gathering of angels

With waving wings

None before me, false lovely things

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