A SkyBorne Menace

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There was an island in a distant location where numerous dragons lived. One day, a boy named Felix planned a trip to the island without knowing about the dragons that inhabited it. Felix and his friends began preparing for the Journey.

After some time, Felix arranged for a taxi to take them to the airport. After a few hours, they finally arrived at the mysterious island. The pilot, sensing potential danger, cautioned everyone to be vigilant, and they all acknowledged the warning. Eager to explore, Felix proposed venturing into the forest. Minutes later, they found themselves deep within the woods, fatigued and seeking rest. As they settled on a tree to sleep, little did they know that this peaceful moment would soon unravel.

Upon awakening, Felix was dismayed to discover his friends missing. Filled with anxiety, he embarked on a frantic search, but his endeavors yielded no results. A sense of panic set in as he hurried back to the spot where the Helicopter had landed, only to be confronted by a shocking scene - the aircraft engulfed in flames, with the pilot mysteriously absent. Perplexed, Felix muttered, "What's happening?" while gazing at the blazing wreckage in disbelief.

In an instant, a piercing scream echoed through the sky, catching Felix's attention. He instinctively gazed upward, only to utter, "Dragons." Panic set in as he sprinted away, but his escape was short-lived as he stumbled, brought down by the immense presence of a dragon landing before him. Fear gripped Felix as he hastily rose, fleeing for his life with dragons tailing him relentlessly. A formidable gang of dragons materialized ahead, leaving Felix paralyzed in terror until he succumbed to unconsciousness. Upon awakening, he found himself surrounded by captive friends in a dragon-guarded cage. Realization struck - they had all fallen victim to the dragons' kidnapping plot. Determination flickered in Felix's eyes as he pondered an escape plan to free himself and his friends from the clutches of these formidable creatures.

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