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The world was a little brighter today. The wind was calmer than before. The clouds were slowly gliding across the now clear blue sky, and the storm from this morning was moving farther away from us. We no longer had to worry about the massive units of rain that hastily caused flooding in our area.
We were safe!
Or are we...?

An alert on my phone woke me from my restless sleep. Groggily, I reached over to silence it. Knowing already that is was likely about the incoming weather the southern part of Louisiana was about to receive.

Another hurricane.

We prepared early this time, thankfully. We are used to hurricanes. We get them annually. Nothing new for us, so why stress ourselves out over the small stuff?

I need more sleep. Please let it be peaceful...

My mind refused to shut off. The alert I silenced screaming in my mind to open it and see what caused it to come through at such an early hour.

After grabbing my phone, I quietly made my way out of our bedroom. Closing our squeaking door as softly as possible. Trying my hardest not to disturb my sleeping child and husband. I don't need them awake this early in the morning. Especially if it's over nothing serious. Which it most likely isn't.

I headed straight to the kitchen to make myself a hot tea. Maybe that would help settle my thoughts and allow me to attempt that thing we called sleep again. Once my water was hot enough, I added in a tea pack and made my way into our small, rustic living room where I sat down and opened my phone.

The alert said the hurricane was still three days out. Three days, so why send an emergency alert out at 3am?! These people! Geez!

Then I saw it.
The reason behind the alert.
It picked up speed. A substantial amount. Holy mother of Moses, it would be here sooner than we thought! And it is going to be one of the largest hurricanes to ever hit the southern part of Southwest Louisiana!

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Apr 01, 2022 ⏰

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Following the StormTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang