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The Promised Neverland

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The Promised Neverland

I was walking down the the forest dragging Ray by the hand along with me. 

Let me tell you what happened-

I wanted to tell the trio my plan so I found Emma first. She said she would go to the forest and find Norman while I went to look for Ray. She also offered to go get Gilda and Don and I agreed. Ray-ray didn't wanna come though so I am dragging him along with me.

(A/n- I am going to include more Tpn characters now. I didn't realize how many chapters I just had Emma, Norman, Ray, and Willow! I am so sorry!)

"What do you even need?!" He asked annoyed as I dragged him further down the valley towards the forest. There was a bit of pink tinting his cheeks from the touch.

"You will find out in the forest when we are with the others." I responded with no emotion.

"You have been saying that for five minutes non stop! No matter what I asked you." He scoffed.

-Very Small Timeskip-

We walked into the forest to the group- well- I walked and Ray just slowly walked after me as I dragged him along.

"Ah! Your finally here!" Don said as the group spotted us.

I chuckled a bit.

"Yep!" I popped the p. "Ray-ray didn't wanna come so I had to drag him the whole way." I said, parting my hand from Ray's to rub the back up my neck.

"If you had told me what this was about I might have come with you willingly. But noooooo. You just kept saying, 'You will find out when we get there.'" He said scoffing at the end.

"Yea yea come on Ray-ray." I said joining the others and sitting down. Ray sat next to me with Don next to him and Emma next to Don and Norman next to Emma and Gilda on my other side. We weren't in a perfect circle we were actually all spread out sitting on stumps of logs or the ground.

"So why did you want to talk?" Asked Emma with a curious face.

I paused for a moment.

'I can do this.'

"I wanna escape in five days. On Thursday." I blurted out.

All of there eyes widened but I kept going anyway.

"It's the best option. Ray-ray is getting shipped soon! Isabella would expect you to escape close to his birthday. So why don't we start preparing now? I kept her from shipping you out before with stupid logic so we wouldn't have to get sick or break limbs but this i can't prevent or my cover will be blown!"

Emma's eyes widened after I said I could prevent Ray's shipping anymore.

"How would we even escape?" Asked Norman and we all turned to the albino boy. "When I pretended to escape I went to the wall and I told you there was a cliff remember?"

---NANI?!--- (Anime x F! OC) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now