III - study sessions.

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study sessions.
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      "HE JUST STARTED GOING through my bag, like he was entitled to!" Daisy whispered to both Brady and Cassie as they made their way down to the greenhouses for their Herbology lesson

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      "HE JUST STARTED GOING through my bag, like he was entitled to!" Daisy whispered to both Brady and Cassie as they made their way down to the greenhouses for their Herbology lesson.

     When they arrived in the greenhouses the trio huddled together in the back as more students filed in.

     "He really went into your bag?" Brady asked with a frown.

     "She already said that!" Cassie rolled her eyes, "The important question is why?"

     "To retrieve some stupid letter he supposedly sent me," Daisy said with a roll of her eyes as Professor Sprout arrived brushing the soil off her robes. To nobody's surprise, Professor Sprout started their lesson by lecturing them about the importance of their O.W.L.S.

     Daisy felt as if she was going to fall asleep on the spot, as the teacher droned on. Cordelia Brown from Hufflepuff standing in front of them was talking Marina Bones' ear off, as other students whispered to their friends or rocked back and forth on their heels waiting for the lecture to be over.

     "Why is she talking already about exams?" Brady asked, "all this is going to do is stress me out, it is only the end of September!"

     As Sprout dismissed them to go she announced, "Four to a tray — there is a large supply of pots here — compost in the sacks over there — and be careful of the Venomous Tentacula, it's teething."

     Daisy grimaced at the sight of the tentacula. Who thought this class was a good idea? She thought to herself. "Ew," She said as she stood at a tray.

     "They're kinda cute?" Brady tried but considering he was standing a few inches away, Daisy assumed he was a little liar.

     "Yeah, and I fancy Filch," Cassie scoffed, as she joined them with a pot. "Seriously though, these are vile."

     "I'm not touching it," Brady shook his head frantically.

     "Oh, but aren't they cute, Brady?" Daisy cooed, as she took soil and scooped it into the pot.

     "The cutest," Said Brady dryly.

     "So, what was in the letter?" Cassie asked curiously, "A love declaration, perhaps?" She teased.

     "No," Daisy sighed, "I don't even think it existed, maybe he sent it to the wrong person, I haven't looked. I was too busy trying to get the hell out of there."

         "He is an odd one," Brady nodded along.

         "I wish he was my odd one," Daisy said with a pout on her lips.

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