Part 1.

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On January 1st 2019, in a small town called Fordwich in Canterbury where as little as 400 hundred people lived in rather peaceful areas stocked to the brim with green fields and beautiful foliage just in your back garden, but off kilter to any roads of pathways was a small rut of a house, surrounded by multiple pens of sheep and cows and fields of carrots and tomatoes.

Inside the house was tiny room upstairs past the cracked cobblestone walls and slightly holed ceiling, there was a sense that the building would blow over at the slightest gust of wind. On the second floor there were three rooms, one for the "sweet" old couple who the house belonged to and one each to their grandsons, Kyle and Shaun Wellington.

The brothers had lived with their grandparents for most of their lives, the way they put it was:

"Your parents? please, those idiots dropped you here without a care"

"Your father was a drunk-"

"Your mother was a whore-"

"A Skank-"

"They're Lowlives-"

It was all the same to Kyle, he had heard every demeaning thing they said about them and chose to ignore it all in the hopes it was wrong. His brother however, developed the same mindset. He was obsessed with bad mouthing his parents so long as he wasn't an easy target for grandpa. Grandma was always the verbal one, the one who'd bite your ear off but go no further than that.

Grandpa was different, he had no issues smacking them when they said or did anything out of line in his mind. He was a massive fan of corporal punishment too, he'd make the boys take runs scaling the farm, you fall, you get smacked, you ruin the food or scare the animals, you get smacked.

Kyle was in his right mind to think about the sweet escape away from them, he remained in his room with his headphones in, trying to block out the world that tried so heavily to push him down.

"KYLE! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE NOW!" He faintly heard his Grandpa scream from the bottom of the stairs, he was doodling in his pages intricate drawings of cats and dogs and other animals like the ones on the farm.

Deciding he didn't want a beating today he hurried down after locking away his retro and outdated cassette player and locks in tightly. Knowing it'll only be revoked if it was found. As he was sliding down the stairs, he discovered his brother was already awake and munching on the bland toast grandma had made, while the couple were leaning against the kitchen side, waiting on the last family member to arrive. They didn't seem too happy (though Kyle knew they always wore frowns anyways).

"So, Shaun just told me that you forgot to lock the pig pen last night..."

"I-I didn't...he was on trough duty while I shoveled the shit!" Kyle blurted out at them, knowing no matter what would happen, they were going to punish him anyway, despite the shit eating grin Shaun was wearing as this all unfolded.

"Boy if you raise your voice at me again, you'll be sleeping with the pigs tonight, and if you forget to lock the pen again, maybe the thing slaughtering our chickens can finish you off" His grandfather spat, looking at him as if he wasn't worth anything.

"Whats slaughtering the hens?!" His wife asked shrilly, plopping her marigolds in the lukewarm suds as she stomps over to Shaun at the table.

"I know for a fact, a certain stupid boy had left the chicken pen unguarded while we slept last night, didn't you Shaun!" she squealed, but Kyle had already stopped listening when he noticed his grandpa reaching for his belt, and without much waiting, he slapped the thing harshly against Shaun's backside.

He cried out from the shock of it and tears swam down his cheeks.

Then he turned to Kyle, who had already closed his eyes in anticipation. He reckoned his grandfather liked to hit them sometimes, because he'd smile, it was the only times he saw him actually happy...its why he couldn't stand to open his eyes to him.

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