Sudden Appearance

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The sky looks clear, he can see the soft-looking cloud and the birds flying. And also an aircraft with a black trailing smoke at its tail.

AWACS Bima Sakti: This is AWACS Bima Sakti, All Aircraft give me your status!
Draken 1:This is Draken 1! I've been hit I'm going to eject!
Draken 2:Captain we are in deep enemy's territory don't eject here! You have to hold on!

A desperate pilot tries to persuade her captain not to eject from his aircraft, they are in enemy territory right now and chances are there will be no rescue for ejected pilots.

Draken 1: I take my chances! even if I got captured by the enemy at least I will live.
AWACS Bima Sakti: Draken 1 don't eject, just fly your aircraft through the white lines on your radar. The enemy will not follow you once you pass through it
Draken 1: Agh! Alright, but if I don't make it don't come back for me Draken 2! You are the one who will retreat alright?!
Draken 2: Why would you say that?! I'm part of your squadron and you are my captain of course I'm going back for you!
Draken 1: and as a captain, I give you an order to save yourself if I get shot down! Don't waste your life here.
AWACS Bima Sakti: Just fly to the white lines!

As Draken 1 and 2 tries to flee from the battlefield, an enemy aircraft comes to take them both down. Luckily Draken 2 manage to intercept it first.

The sky is filled with iron birds, trying to take each other out. Many end up falling to the sea or blown in the sky with spectacular passion.

AWACS Bima Sakti: You are almost there, Draken 2 stay sharp
Draken 1: alright, almost there. Draken 2, you go first
Draken 2: Are you insane?! You got black smoke coming from your tail you have to go first!
Draken 1: I just-
Suddenly an enemy aircraft comes to take them down, Draken 2 who noticed it immediately take action against the enemy aircraft
Draken 2:Aagh! You darn annoying piece of- GUH!
Unfortunately, Draken 2 was hit. the damages are enough to put the aircraft out of combat use

Draken 1: Draken 2! Get out of here!
Draken 2: NO! I Can still fight!

As the enemy aircraft is about to give them a finishing blow, another aircraft comes out of nowhere intercepting the enemy. The enemy has been shot down by that aircraft but something is not right

AWACS Bima Sakti: Draken 1 Draken 2 it's now your chance! Go!
Draken 1:Wilco!
Draken 2: R-Roger!

Even though their aircraft is damaged, at least it's still able to fly them to safety. Although if that other aircraft wasn't there to save them they might be a goner

AWACS Bima Sakti: Draken 1 Draken 2, you have passed the white line. You are safe now
Draken 2:*sigh* thank God
Draken 1:my plane is kind of unresponsive but I think I could still fly it
Draken 2:captain next time think before you are going to do something crazy like that
Draken 1: what do you mean? The ejecting part?
Draken 2: we were deep inside of the enemy territory if you were going to eject there who knows what is going to happen to you
Draken 1:and then let myself be burned inside this flying casket? yeah no way
Draken 2:your plane did take damage but at least you need to assess the situation first, did you even check your plane damage percentage status?
Draken 1: yeah, it's on 75 percent
Draken 2: you could still fly that thing, and also your wings are still there.
Draken 1: alright alright I got it, enough with that. Anyway, what about that aircraft that saved us? Is he still there? Furthermore, is he an ally or not?
Draken 2: who knows, Bima Sakti do you read?
AWACS Bima Sakti: loud and clear, I'm running an analysis for that aircraft that saved you guys, wait, hold on.
Draken 1:what is it? You alright Bima Sakti?

AWACS Bima Sakti didn't hear Draken 1, his attention is focused on the radar. The red dots on his radar screen are disappearing one by one.

AWACS Bima Sakti: You won't believe this, that aircraft is facing the enemy alone
Draken 1:what about the others?
AWACS Bima Sakti: other aircraft are no factor, except this one particular aircraft, he's engaging the enemy
Draken 2:all by himself? Are you sure?
AWACS Bima Sakti: I'm seeing it with my own eyes here, and I don't think my radar is deceiving me. There are now only 3 enemy aircraft left!
Draken 1: there are only 3 now? What happened to the rest of them?
AWACS Bima Sakti: they got shot down, and some are fleeing from the battle.

AWACS Bima Sakti was then shocked, All 3 remaining enemy aircraft are now gone from his radar screen. Only 1 white shaped triangle is on his screen now, he immediately tries to communicate with this mysterious jet

AWACS Bima Sakti: This is AWACS Bima Sakti, unidentified aircraft. Flash your ID to me to identify yourself.

Seconds later, he received an identification for the mysterious fighter. He is flying an HR-G05 (Helixian Rafale Generation 05) a remarkable aircraft that are combat-proven, and also capable to do different task. Hence it was called "the multirole fighter".

The mysterious fighter ID is now on the Information Tab Screen
NAME:**** ******
TAC-NAME:*Awaiting Input*
Aircraft: Helixian Rafale Generation 05
Affiliation: ********

AWACS Bima Sakti: he wants me to give him a TAC-NAME? But after I look at it almost all of his information is redacted
Draken 2: Hey Bima, What's going on?
AWACS Bima Sakti: That mysterious aircraft wants me to give him a tac name
Draken 1: Giving him a tac name? Hang on he doesn't have one?
AWACS Bima Sakti: No he doesn't, hang on let me think of a name... Alright, I got it. Your TAC-NAME will be "Shadow", I will refer to you with this name from now on

The ID has been updated
TAC-NAME: Shadow
Aircraft: Helixian Rafale Generation 05
Affiliation: ********

After being given a name by Bima Sakti, the aircraft flies away, gone from the radar

AWACS Bima Sakti:I have to report this to the Higher Ups, Alright Draken team RTB.

And so the two of them return to their base, their aircraft is damaged but at least they are still alive, unfortunately. some pilots didn't make it, doesn't matter from which side whether it's the allies or the opponents. Some pilots just wanted to fly their planes in the sky, without having to worry about enemies coming for them.

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