The Boy That Saved Me

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One day a girl named Cheyanne went to the park,she was eating ice

creem when she was dun she throw her napkin away. She went to

check on her nephew,Jadon then she dropped Jadon of at his house

then she went home. Her mom asked what she did she said

went to the park with Jadon.

Then the phone rang " RING RING " I'll get it mom!!!!!!!!! screemed Cheyanne.

It was Leah,she said hay!!!! I said

hi :(

Leah : Why are you so glum

Cheyanne : because my boyfriend bumped me for Marry Lean

Leah : ooo!!!!!! well I'm so sorry

Cheyanne : it is ok I will find someone else ( I hope) well I have a

boyfriend Leah said scared. Who Cheyanne said sadly. Harry Styles from 1D

yha for you :( . Then she took a walk in the park someone was in a

rush to get some where he bumped her on axident she fell she was

in pain a could not get up someone called the ambulance.They put

me on a stretch and in to the ambulance I went when we got to the

hospitable they put me in room 119 and asked what color cast I

wonted I said light green. They said a ok. Then Cheyanne started

listening to the song "Up All Night" and reading she was amazed

the book "Dreamer".

Someone broke the window Cheyanne did not

hear the guy. He throw a spear then a guy named Niall came in the

room and push me over to pertect me then the spear almost hit him

but he cough it a through. it back at him. At that moment I felt like I

was in love with Niall. Then he almost kissed me I backed up. I said

hi my name is Cheyanne

Niall: Hi

Cheyanne: Hi um thank you so so so much

Niall: I just saved your life why wont you kiss me

Cheyanne: Because I don't know you at all lets get to know each


Niall: ok!!! ummm I was born in Ireland September 16 ,1993 I'm 19

Cheyanne: ok!! ummm I was born in the USA August 18 ,1993 I'm 19


Niall: Known can we kiss

Cheyanne: I guess so

then they started kissing soon Niall stared trying to take of

Cheyannes clothes she did not let him. The doctor came in and said

I should give you a wile

Niall: no I'm so sorry sum guy throw a spear and I saved her!!

Doctor: omg I don't c a r e!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Niall: seriously what is wrong with you!!!!!!!!!!!!! do you need a drink because today I'm serving PUNCH

Cheyanne: stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Niall what is tong with you!!!!!!! get out now


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