A few mistakes ago

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"Okay so how does this thing work?" Stefan asked the Bennett witch who was casting a protection spell on Elena, to save her from Klaus' witches who were trying to track her down.

"She'll have to lay down between this circle while I do the spell, but Klaus' witches are too powerful, to make this work I'll have to channel something and do it as fast as possible. We really don't have any time to waste." Bonnie explained.

"Okay then, channel me." Damon walked in and said. His gaze fixed on Elena. She was mad at him and he didn't know what to do. It was driving him crazy.

"This could be dangerous." Bonnie warned him but he wasn't really asking when he told her to channel him. He'd do anything for Elena.

"Do it."

She nodded her head before starting the spell.

"Esttodern metsoo ramssi jues phasmatos indrianahi mayos-"

As she was doing the spell, the glass of the windows of the house they were in all broke down.

"What's happening?" Stefan wondered in panic.

"It's the witches... Hurry up Bonnie." Caroline cried.

Bonnie continued the spell and just as she finished the witches broke in and with their magic pinned the vampires and the witch against a wall.

"Where is she?" One of them asked.

"Who?" Caroline was confused.

"Don't play with us! Where is the doppelgänger?" Another demanded.

They all looked at the circle expecting Elena to be there or to be pinned against the wall just like them but she was nowhere to be seen.

"What the-"


Elena's POV

Fuck my head hurts so bad. I didn't know that there were side effects of this protection spell. Why is everyone so quiet all of a sudden? I open my eyes slowly expecting to see Bonnie or Damon gawking at me but- what the fuck?? Why am I in the middle of a forest?

Either Bonnie messed up the spell or I'm dreaming.

I pinch myself. Okay, she definitely messed up the spell.

I've got to figure out where I am. I stand up and start walking to the North, to be honest I don't know why I am going towards the North. As a matter of fact, I don't even know if this is North. I just like the flowers this way. Lol, I'm going to die here.

"Tatia?" A voice says from behind. Shit, I walk faster paying no attention but suddenly whoever that voice belonged to runs with vamp-speed and is currently standing in front of me. I flinch and close my eyes for a second before opening them slowly. Elijah?

"Elijah?" I voice my confusion but before I get a chance to say anything, he hugs me. What the fuck?

I try to pull away by his grip on my body is too strong for me to do so.

"I thought you were dead, Tatiana." He speaks sadly.

"I'm not Tatiana, I'm Elena!" I manage to speak.

"What?" He pulls away.

"I'm Elena, Elena Gilbert."

"Tatia what are you saying?"

"If you don't believe me, compel me."

"Compel you?"

He doesn't know about compulsion yet is a vampire, keeps addressing me as Tatia, has long hair and is wearing- whatever that is.

I don't think the question is 'Where am I?' Maybe it's 'When am I?'

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