Proud Failure

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        Ever since I was a child I've always been switching from sport to sport. I started with soccer, then basketball, then volleyball. After that I found figure skating. Figure skating was the first sport I really stuck with. It's been kind of a comfort to me since my mind revolves around routine. When I was younger I was bullied for my poor social skills but when I was eight I was diagnosed with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder). Once I started figure skating competitively at the age of 17 I was bullied for my diagnosis and no one wanted to hang out with me. I used skating as an emotional outlet of sorts. It calmed me down when things got rough. I'm now 25 and heading towards my first time competing in the Olympic Games.
        As I stepped into the warm up room I started to panic. What if the noises are too much... what if I can't handle it...
        "It'll be alright" I muttered to myself quietly. "I can do this."
        I stretched my legs and arms and practiced a few off ice jumps before going to get my skates on.
        "Hey, you there! Autistic freak!" I groaned. I recognized his voice instantly.
        "Hey, Shrink." He scoffed and looked at me with disgust.
        "Don't call me by my name freak." Shrink replied snarkily.
        "I'm not a freak..." I shook my head and walked away. I know that I shouldn't get bothered by him but he bugs me nonetheless.
        My mind was scattered after the interaction with Shrink. We used to skate at the same rink in the U.S. until he moved back to his home in Russia. There he finished his training and is now representing Russia in the Olympics. He was always mad at me. Especially when I did the jumps he couldn't do. When he found out I had autism he started antagonizing me every day about it until he went to Russia. I think it's more jealousy than actual ill intent but he still gets on my nerves.
        The ice waits for no one and my turn came up faster than my mind could process.
        "Next up is Greyson Hayden representing America with his short program called 'fantasyland'. Greyson publicly announced his mental disability, ASD, early on in his career. Let's see what he has to show." I clenched my fists as I got into my starting position. I know I publicly announced it but do they really have to mention it here?
        Okay, I'm doing just fine. The opening step sequence went well. Next is the first jump, a quad lutz. Okay I made it a triple that's alright I can make it up.
        "Freak" Shrink's words pierced my mind.
        I have to keep skating. A combination spin. Alright, not bad. A triple loop. Nailed it! Ah, this next one will be tough. I'm already losing stamina and I have a quad coming up.
        "Next up, Greyson will be attempting a quad flip. This late in the program it'll be hard. Ah, he fell pretty hard there that'll dock some points."
        Okay just keep going. Keep going. The final step sequence. What am I doing. I'm supposed to be skating. Just because I failed some of the jumps doesn't mean I can't have fun. I love this sport so why should I be upset just because of a bad score? For the last minute of my performance I put everything I had into it. I danced my heart out, and most importantly, I had fun.
        "HA! You're pathetic. Can't even pull off a quad lutz! You had to make it a triple!" I smiled. "Why are you smiling?!"
        "Why am I smiling? Well, I had fun, that's why." I stated plainly.
        No matter my score, as long as I have fun that's all that matters. I walked off the ice proudly and waited for my score.
        "And now for Greyson's score he got a 64.3, currently in last place."
        I may have gotten last place but in my eyes I definitely won.

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