A Little Break

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"If you can brush your teeth with your fingers, what's the point in using a toothbrush?" Motoharu said.

"It's unsanitary man! Also you have to wash your hands vigorously!" Aogami replied.

"Oh, well if that was the case then I'll take it."

"Also a toothbrush is more effective than a damn finger! You can't reach in between the gaps of your teeth with a finger. Toothbrushes are superior!"

"I'll let you know good sir, that I have been brushing my teeth with nothing my bare fingers, and a dot of toothpaste. And look at my teeth!!! All clean and healthy!!!" Motoharu grinned showing his teeth.

"I don't care! That is too sick even for me! Disgustaaaaaaaang!!!!" Aogami cried out.

"Since when did we talk about this? I mean, just a minute ago you guys were talking about cat lolis and dino maids, then we're talking about toothbrushes suddenly?" Touma spoke up.

"Well do you have anything to talk about Kami?" Aogami and Motoharu asked him in unison.

"Haaaah... no..."

"Then screw off."

To the uninitiated that would make even the most foolhardy of warriors piss their pants in terror (at least it's what the two thought in their minds) but Touma merely rolled his eyes and left the classroom.

He didn't notice his shades-wearing classmate glance at him as he left.

It was a sunny Monday afternoon. Ms. Oyafune's math class has finished by the time 2 of the Delta Trio had their unusual discussion. Touma had no choice but to excuse himself from the argument, to avoid losing too much of his precious brain cells from being fried.

"The last thing I need right now is their stupid talk ruining my chances of raising my grades, and I really need those grades immediately." Touma sighed out and slumped his way to the bathroom. However he bumped into somebody, papers dropping to the ground.

"Oh crap, sorry for bumping into you I didn't-"

"No no it's ok I wasn't watching-"

Both teens stared at each for a short while, before, "Oh Seiri. What's up?"

"Doing good. Now could you help me?"

"Yeah sure."


"It must be difficult with all the stuff you had to do with the teachers."

"I wouldn't have had a hard time if it weren't for that no-good perverted class representative of ours," she angrily said, a blue-haired teen with piercings coming to mind.

"Yeah," Touma deadpanned. After picking up the dropped papers and going to the bathroom, he helped out Seiri with bringing the papers to the other classes.

"Must've been tiring, having to deal with all the stuff for the upcoming Daihasei Festival."

"Wouldn't you know it. While the others are going and making sure they can get enough money to get a budget big enough for all the tents, uniforms and supplies here I am busting my ass trying to procure these necessities. I also have to help out with Yomikawa-sensei's work with the upcoming tests for this quarter."


Kamijou was nervous, talking to her. Who wouldn't be?
The last time they had an interaction he inadvertently molested her in the mall. He had no idea why his power acted up that time, and he definitely did not appreciate that fucking asshole making this worse.

While their face wasn't anything noteworthy (even more so compared to Kamijou) he could distinctly remember that spiky blonde hair, and orange jacket.

'Imma get a word with him if we meet again.' Touma resolved to himself.

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