𝗕𝗿𝗼𝘀 𝗯𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗛𝗼𝗲𝘀

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Chapter One

"So you made it, huh? Good for you, good for you!"

Most of children in the classroom cast wary glances at the girl who sat at a seat with her legs kicked up on the desk and her arms behind her head as she grinned.

She had sharp fangs and two, long pointy red horns on her forehead. Her eyes were e/c and her pupils were shaped like diamonds. She had quite the appearance, red marks drawn from where her eyeshadow began.

"I knew you were gonna do it! Knew it!" the girl declared, clapping for her blond haired friend, "So how does it feel to have the headband, hm, Naruto?"

The boy with blond hair and blue eyes beamed, "Well what do you think? Go on, tell me how it looks!"

The girl observed closely, "Ah... yes... FREAKIN AWESOME OF COURSE! GET OVER HERE!!!"

The oni girl grabbed her best friend, catching him in a head lock and affectionatly ruffling his hair while the two of them chanted, "We're outta here! We're outta here!"

Arataki Y/n and Uzumaki Naruto were... besties.
Yes. Besties. It was only natural, the two of them gravitating to one another due to their personalities and their rather similar situations in the village.

They named themselves the Devastating Duo but most of Konoha's inhabitants collectively agreed that Delusional or Deranged would be a better fit for the two.

Arataki Y/n had seemingly come from nowhere, entering the village at four years old without any family. Most were frightened by her appearance and tended to avoid the poor little girl at all costs.

Y/n tried everything to gain the village's affection. She helped out with building projects.
She defended the villages from angry animals.
She even tried to offer her help to random people.

But nope.

"What kind of creature is she with strength like that?"

"To kill an animal like that by herself? How awful..."

"All you do is bring trouble! Go elsewhere!"

It became clear to y/n that there was no way to get through to these people. That they lacked the open-mindedness to realize that the little oni only wanted to help.

Soon, the attempts to help turned into attempts to make a name for herself. It wasn't uncommon to find the little oni girl eating children's snacks in front of them while they cried hysterically or shrieking whenever someone threw beans at her unprovoked.

She was on her own until she was taken in by a sweet little old lady but never got the chance to make any friends. That is, until she got the chance to meet Naruto.

Perhaps it was fate, seeing that blond haired boy down the street as the little oni girl was returning home.

She saw how people looked at him and thought,

He's like me.

Y/n didn't ever want to imagine what life would be like had she not run down that street and greeted him.

𝐃𝐨𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐦𝐲 ✘ 𝐍𝐚𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐨 [I forgot about this 💀]Where stories live. Discover now