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My mind went blank and I wasn't sure what to say. To be staring at my brother's face, only to realize he looks like me. A twin? A twin! I turned back at Angel who was already walking away from me. . . from us. I wanted to go after him but my brother, he's right here in front of me. Angel started to get further away, the snow was cutting my view from him until I watched as he disappeared into the snow. I wasn't sure what this meant for us. I wasn't sure if we were even dating anymore, he did say he just needs a break. My heart felt so heavy, I hated even thinking about that. I wanted him again, I needed Angel but it seems like he didn't need me.
I turned back to my brother--Santiago-- trying to cover my face from the thick snowfall. I still couldn't believe I was staring at his face. My face. Our face? He was here in front of me. I had so many questions, I wanted to know so many things, how did he find me? How long has he been looking? Where are his parents? How did his life turn out?

"I'm sorry if this was too much for you, I went to your house and met your parents there."

"Were they confused?"

"Of course, we may look alike but they know their son." He smirked at me. "I asked them to speak to you and they were hesitant at first. Told me you were going through a hard time but they said they wanted you to make that decision on your own if you wanted to see me or not. So they sent me here, they said something about no more secrets."

"Sounds like they're learning." Why didn't they warn me ahead of time?
"You're taming your Hispanic parents?" He scoffed and chuckled. "You know how many Hispanic families wish they had parents who'd listen and learn?" He chuckled. "They seem like good people."

"They are. They're forward thinkers." A snowflake flew into my eye and I flinched. "Why don't you park the car and come meet me at my friend David's house." I pointed to his home which was a few steps away.

"Sure." He headed back in the car and I sped and walked to David's trying to calm my heart down. It was beating so loudly I could hear it in my ear. My eyes felt tired and the outside seemed to be fading in and out. I pulled my jacket zipper down and I felt refreshed as the cold air woke me up. I took a deep breath and watched as the snow picked up.

Part of me wished I didn't invite him over, I don't know this person, what if he hurts us? I shook the thought from my head realizing how ridiculous that sounded. I needed to trust a bit more. I stepped up onto David's porch and rang the bell. I saw my reflection on his glass door and I looked pale. I was covered in snow and my face was painted with no emotions. I hated the way I looked, hated the way I felt.

David answered the door and I stepped in shaking off the snow. He saw the look on my face and it piqued his interest. "What happened? Where's Angel?"

"You guys didn't break upright?" Carolina rushed to me."

"I don't think so." I took off my jacket.

"You don't think?"

"Something else just came up." I took off my jacket and hung it up. I fixed my sweater trying to come up with a way of telling them my brother is coming over. "I'm trying to come up with a way of telling you my brother is coming over." Why did I say that!

"What do you mean?" Lina looked confused. "Your brother--brother?"

"Yeah. . ." I whispered for some unknown reason. "When Angel and I were talking a car pulled up behind me. It's. . ." The word choked my throat. "It was my brother."

I stepped up to the window and peeked outside. He stepped out of his car and locked it rushing over. "That's him." I turned to my friends. "He's heading here." I headed to the door and opened it before he had a chance of even knocking or ringing the bell. He brushed off the snow from his jacket and hair.

"Sorry for dropping in like this."

I saw David and Carolina's eyes peeking around the corner. Lina's eyes went wide and she walked up to us. Santiago was taking off his jacket and scarf when he turned back to me and Carolina who was gripping my hand.

"Oh, hi." He turned to her and shook her hand. "I'm Santiago, I'm Kendall's brother."

"No kidding." She poked his face. "Sorry, this is just really wild."

"How are you cuter than Kendall?" David came from the other room.

"Hey!" I frowned.

"No really, I think it's the septum piercing." Lina turned to David to discuss.

"It could also be that California tan." David scratched his hairless chin looking at Santiago.

"I appreciate it, again I'm sorry to be dropping in on you like this."

"No, it's fine." David shook his head. "You're welcome here anytime."

"Where are you staying in the meantime?" I turned my attention to him and he did the same.

"I was just gonna find a motel tonight."

I had an idea

"Why don't you come and stay with me?" I bit my tongue. I was hoping this would work out.

Yay book 2 Is here! You can expect one too two chapters weekly! I don't have a consistent uploading schedule as of right now due to me starting a new job, so I do apologize. Once I do, I will update you all.

Thanks for reading and thanks for the support.

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