Freeshia: A maids tail. Watty Awards.2012

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A sea. The place where all look for fish, water, crabs, ships and shells. However this time what was found was a mermaid.

While people were busy making buildings and war, deep down beyond the oceans floor was a world in its own. Here all sorts of creatures lived. Some beautiful, others not so beautiful.

Mermaids were the most loved of all the creatures. As they were known to be the best example of true beauty.

Another creature with the least beauty was the Gritchym. A two legged creature with the arms of an octopus and the face of a fish. Gritchyms are barely ever respected. When something goes wrong Gritchyms are first to be looked at.

At this moment many were about to see a not so perfect mermaid.

In the world called Plensea all heard about the soon to be new Feher mermaid which is a girl mermaid. (The boy mermaid is Mahim.)

The mother and father both beautiful maids couldn't be happier, that is until a certian day came.

They had hidden their maid seed in a well hidden place where no one could see. As most mermaids do.

When the time came to get their child, they noticed she had been moved. Safe but moved. They looked her over and decided all was okay.

The parents named her Freeshia.

All of Plensea seemed to arrive to the showing of the beautiful Freeshia. All gave gifts and kind words.

Freeshia was normal to all however the older she became mermaids noticed something was wrong.

You see all girl maids have a dark purple tail.

When Freeshia was 12 her tail was changing color. One time the other mermaids noticed it was red, another time green. Her parents never seen this so they took it as pure jealousy from the others.


Freeshia was now a grown mermaid with long blue hair and gorgeous green eyes. She was picked from her family to perform a song that meant she was ready to be wed.

Freeshia always knew she had a secret. One that no one knew about. Some saw changes when she was younger but since then no maids have brought it up.

Freeshia was worried about this song.

What if they see? She thought to herself.

Her siblings prepared for her song. They told Freeshia about the Mahims that their father had seated in the very front to see her. Freeshia didn't care.

Her eyes were set on leaving Plensea. She's heard of the sea and earth. Places that many said were not real. Others said it was a place of death and punishment. Very little said it was a place of true paradise.

Either way Freeshia wanted to know.

Freeshia's father came in with her mother.

"Are you ready my wonder?" Freeshia's father asked.

Freeshia stood up and swam toward the stage curtain. Her sisters followed.

Freeshia stared at her father and smiled.

The curtain's opened. The beautiful lights and music went on. Freeshia's sisters voices began singing low and sweet. Soon the lights were just on Freeshia. She sang and swam around flowing her long hair through the water.

Freeshia: a maids tail.     watty awards.Where stories live. Discover now