Maybe being a hero is not a good thing either.

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""/ meaning that the character are talking.
''/ meaning that the character are thinking.

Narrator POV:

Izuku well... Kinda feel irritated right now. Why? It's all thanks to his alarm clock who's ringing non stop and Izuku here don't want to get up because he was working late at night trying to finish his homeworks but still he's need to get up."let me sleep you stupid clock!" Says Izuku while throwing his pillow which didn't hit the alarm clock at all. "Fine!" Says Izuku while hitting the alarm button. After that he's went ahead to take a shower, then he eat some breakfast, after that he started changing his uniform and last but not least, his battle between himself and his necktie. "It seems that we meet again dear Challenger" he said while wasting his precious five minutes to wearing his necktie but little do he know, it will be the last time he ever wearing one........

As he was going to say hi after open the door from his classroom he then got a slapped from his best friend, Ochaco Uraraka. "How could you!!" she said. Izuku whose confused from the shock he's received then asked. "What do you mean? I didn't do anything aren't I? I just got here." He asked but then got punched in the face by Bakugou. "What did you do??!! You're fucking betrayed us you're villain!!!!" He scream while the others just join bakugou to beat Izuku and there he heard some insult from his classmates saying;

You trash!

Such disgraceful Mon Amie!

I can't believe we're trusting you all this time!!!

No wonder why you acted do innocent Midoryia, you're a villain!!

I can't believe you got us fooled you disgusting villain!

"Die!!!!" Said bakugou when he was about to ends his life once and for all but then stop by his teacher, Aizawa. "Stop you don't need to do this, let us handle this villain. Midoryia Izuku, come with us cause you're under arrest!" He said while tying his student with his capture weapon and send him to the police car for further investigation. But before that, he was asked to give all might quirk back since he thought he chose the wrong successor.

Aizawa POV:

"Just tell us problem child! We had the evidence alright so please be honest and tell us that you're a villan!!" I shouted hoping this time he's giving in. I really can't believe he is a traitor in this school I'm fine with someone else but izuku?! He's supposed to be 1A rays of sunshine,The Father for Eri and Kota, The UA Cinnamon Roll!! But I guess it's just an act all along. I wonder how Kota & Eri gonna accept this. They are also in this police station but the outside of this interrogation room. Watching us at the one view mirror. I'm pretty sure they are upset that their mother is a villain all this time but that not the issue I'm worrying right now. What I'm worrying is....." I told you I'm not a traitor Aizawa sensei!? Why aren't you believing me?!" He was not that easy to go be which makes sense since he's a villain after all if this keeps going we cannot get anywhere into this so I had to use the last resort. I was grabbing his collar of his uniform, and then I punched him and he fell to the floor spitting out blood from his mouth. "Aizawa sensei....stop....I'm...not...a...villain." he still not giving up so I had to grabbed him from his collar again and bashed him to the table punched him again. By this point he was crying in tears and I can't stand the sight of this but since he's still not going to confess, I had to continue. "Please problem child, if you just give in, we'll promised you you won't send to Tartarus and we will tried to lessen you sentences so please just tell us the truth!" I shouted hoping he's giving up but; "No, I'm not Aizawa" I was stunned on how he's still not let go so as I was prepared to punch him again, Detective Tsukauchi barge the door open. "Aizawa stop!! We got a video from LOV!!" Really!? Is the LOV is trying to reveal that Midoryia Izuku is the traitor in UA. If that so then good because I cannot stand a minute more torturing this person anymore but little did I knew.....

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