C is for Carnival

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Calvin was super excited to wake up on his birthday. He was now four. He was also a couple weeks away from getting his brand new baby sister. He couldn't wait and climbed out of his big boy bed to hurry to make it.

Bumble Bee walked in. "Hi, my baby! Happy birthday!"

Calvin strained in pure excitement.

She giggled. He was so cute. "Come on. Let's get you clean."

He raced out before coming back. "Come on, Mommy."

She laughed before quieting herself, even though Marco needed to wake up. "Here I come, baby."


"Bee is goin." Changeling whistled low.

"She wants him to have a good day." Cyborg watched his wife sprint around, getting everything ready for the carnival style party.

"He will." Changeling was sure.


"Is it time, Mommy?!" Calvin was plastered to a window in the common room, watching as things progressed.

Bumble Bee was as excited as her son. "Yes!"

He screamed loudly.

Aisling giggled.

"She scares me." Cyborg whispered.

Nightwing snickered. "Mar'i scares me on a daily basis."

Cyborg smiled hard to keep from laughing. "She seems to feed off us."

"They're going to run the world."

"Art, too."

"I'm sorry for any guy that tries to get close to them."

Cyborg grinned. "I don't want no dude around my daughter but I can imagine her making him bald."

Nightwing snorted with laughter. "She'll probably pluck every strand from his head."

Cyborg shook his own bald head. "Man!"

"Guys!" Terra ran over. "We're going outside now! Come on!"

"She's going to be a monster pregnant."

Nightwing burst out laughing.


Calvin screamed again when he got up close and personal with the carnival. He wanted to ride all the rides immediately but also eat all the food. He didn't know where to start.

Bumble Bee pointed him in the direction of a small children's ride. "Go on, baby!"

He ran over and climbed inside.

Starfire snapped photographs of him as he went up and down. "Say the aged dairy!"

"Cheese!" Calvin grinned widely.

"Mommy!" Christopher pulled on his mother. "I want to go on that ride!"

"The oh and the Kay!" Christopher pulled Starfire off.

Charlotte pulled on her father's jeans. "Daddy, I'm hungry."

Changeling lit up. Those words were music to his ears. "Let's go get you some food!"

The Titans spread out as they began trying different rides and foods. Titans East showed up along with the grandparents but also Bumble Bee's friends.

Más immediately spied Daisy Fuentes. His twin had to keep him from floating over to her.

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