the start

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So one time 3 years ago my mom met this guy and they were so cute together. I loved him a lot and I thought he was a great person
But then he did somthing that I could never forget!
He was outside doing somthing and he landed on top of my dog and broke both of his legs. I was obviously so mad and so sad st the same time and he has done other stuff but that was a big part of then my mom stopped talking to him for awhile then she gets a message saying hey can we talk. My mom obviously said yes and then they started to date again. Kinda mad at her for that but I let that time slide. But then he started to act like he was my dad and he told me I wossent allowed to come to my own mom's house and I came anyways and he started yelling at me and I almost flipped out on him. But then my mom stopped talking to him again and now me and my mom are finaly happy in our house without him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2022 ⏰

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