chapter one

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as you enter your bedroom corridor, you notice an unfamiliar face walking your way.

curious, you followed the blonde man.

and yet you never realized just how badly of an idea that might be.


perhaps it was his piercing eyes that stared at you like daggers shooting through your skin, or maybe it was just the fact he was hustling and the only interesting place to look was at you.

he suddenly comes to an abrupt stop right outside your dorm.

"is there an issue?" you ask,

"hm? no, this is my shared dorm. are you the one im sharing it with?" he answers quickly.

your heart throbs at sharing a room with a man. you're already nervous and you don't even know his name!

nodding silently, you both step into the unoccupied room, expecting a landfill of a dorm.

but what you walk into was a nicely decorated dorm room. maybe he decorated it before you got here?

skipping your shoes off, he shows you to where you will stay, a room with a couch, a tv, and a table. perhaps there was a different room with a bed?

"i am so sorry about the room, there was only one and i would love to give you the bed, its just, i have some issues with falling asleep sometimes.
we can share the bed if you'd prefer?"

flushed, you throw your bags on the floor. "oh no! that's not a problem, please, keep the bed."

i don't wanna write anymore take this i'll write more tomorrow

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