Dream One

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I had a pretty good dream. But it was also kind of strange.
I was with "Jake" the person my cousin "Bailey" was in love with. We were at a basketball game and the boys basketball team was there as well as the girls. I didn't want to sit with the girls team so I sat with the boys team. I was sitting in front of my cousin "James" and we were watching another game.
The next thing I knew I was talking to "Jake". "Bailey" was there too but Jake called me. He left me a message saying something, but I don't remember what he said. Then him Bailey and me went outside. Jake and Bailey were messing with the rocks and I was climbing around the tree, but not up it.
Then after I was kind of stuck, I got down and we started walking back to this room. Bailey was in front of us and I was walking with Jake.
Jake put his arm around me while we were walking and when I kind of tripped, he saw some cuts on my legs and hugged me and pulled me in tighter.
Bailey was still ahead of us and we were still walking with his arm around me.
The next thing I knew were laying down, falling asleep together. Jake still had his arm around mine, and I had mine on his chest.
It was so weird. Bailey was right there, but she never told us to stop.
Then all of a sudden I was creating something with tiles. Just piling them up on a wall.
Jake was sitting right where the tiles were so I went over to grab some more.
Instead of getting more, Jake and I lied down together again. Right next to each other. I felt so safe and I wanted it to be real.

I never realized how safe I could feel in a dream. Jake is an amazing guy in real life, but him and my cousin kind of have a thing, so I have no shot. But that's okay.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2015 ⏰

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