Chapter II

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One month had passed since that shopping trip to Milteu. Dia, Tarte, and I
had finally arrived at the academy…or rather, the town surrounding the
The academy was a two-hour carriage ride north of the royal capital.
Apart from being a school, the place also functioned as a stronghold. It
safeguarded the capital from any invaders coming south. Nowhere else in the
world could you find so many mages in one place. Even students could be
called upon to fight.
Concealed within the most massive bulwark in the country rested a
modest-sized town.
My two companions and I were headed for the academy located in the
middle of that settlement.

“We’re here, my lord. It’s almost time to put all of our studying to the
test!” Tarte exclaimed.

“I’m exhausted from all the studying we’ve done this past month.

It’s gotten so bad that I’ve even had dreams about Alvanian history,” Dia

The three of us had been spending the recent weeks preparing for our
entrance exam.
The test didn’t determine admission to the school, but rather, what class
you were placed in. No noble’s education was exactly the same. All students
were divided into groups based on their level of knowledge to ensure
efficient instruction. We’d been studying hard to be assigned to Class S, the
best of all. I had a particular reason I needed to be placed high.

After passing the time by chatting, we arrived at the Royal Academy at

Where headed to the receptions lobby
And saw two familiar faces it was rimuru and ciel so we called them.

Heyy you guys its been so long, how have you guys been?

Yeah we've been doing great. We were   going to take the entrance exam how about we head there together.

Yeah sure we've been studying after we parted ways so we're going to take the top score. I said grinning at rimuru

Oh yeah well see about that. He said grinning at me

we were guided to an entrance that doubled as a plaza.

“Wow, there are so many people here,” Tarte remarked with wonder.

“There are more adults here than there are students, though,” observed Dia.

“Most of them are likely parents who’ve come to see their children off. I imagine they’re worried about how their kids will do.

By the way Where are your parents rimuru-san, Ciel-san?asked dia

Ohh hehe we have none. Said rimuru sweat drop

Ohh im sorry that i ask such question.

Ohh its okay we really dont mind right Ciel?

<Yes Master is all i need. Said with conference>

Hehehe ciel plss call me rimuru when people are around its embracing. Said rimuru

what’s that?!”We followed Dia’s line of sight and spotted an outrageously dressed individual.

“Didn’t expect to see Prince Charming here at the academy,” I quipped.
Same here,added rimuru
“Wha—? Surely that’s overdoing it,” Tarte added.
“That is a little much,” Dia agreed.

<Master is so childish sometimes said ciel(sigh)>

Okay im sorry, you're mean sometimes ciel.rimuru said arguing back at her

Dia,tarte and I chuckle at the sight of the two arguing

Then we looked ahead of us was a boy riding a white horse. Perhaps in an attempt to
match his steed, the young man was garbed in fancy alabaster clothing
embroidered with gold thread. Everything about him was showy.
It did, however, look like he had the mana to back up that ostentatious
attitude. He was quite handsome, and he wore his outfit well.
Quite unlike myself, he was flaunting his mana for all the world to see.
The emblem on his mount’s bridle made it clear that he was the heir of House Gephis.