Sid's Fatal Mistake

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Sid is a very sexy and buff sloth. He has so many hoes that he can't even count them all. He also has gorgeous eyelashes, with length for days. Legend has it that Sid's eyelashes once belonged to Aphrodite herself.

Envied by Sid's beauty, demon baby Roshan decides to steal it all for himself. After slaughtering his own camp, baby Roshan is given to Sid, Diego, and Manny.

"Damn, that's an ugly ass baby," says Manny struggling to not pass out. " Maybe we should keep it,"Sid says, while batting his glorious eyelashes. "If that ugo furry gives you syphilis, don't come crying to me," Manny says in a disgusted tone. Sid rejoices, oblivious to how terrible his decision was. Baby Roshan tries to hide his vile smirk, for everything is according to his evil plan.

Baby Roshan knew that it wouldn't be easy to steal Sid's beauty, but he knew that he had a better chance if he got rid of his two friends. Since Manny had called him an ugly ass furry, Baby Roshan decided that he would be the first to go.

When everyone fell asleep, Baby Roshan decided to give Manny an emo makeover. After spending the day with Sid, Manny, and Diego, Baby Roshan discovered that Manny was deeply emophobic. The fear from becoming emofied would most likely kill him. Baby Roshan was indeed correct.

Sid awoke to a heavy and loud thud.

"W-W-What was that?" Sid asked shakily.
"I'm sure it's nothing Sid,"said Diego sleepily.
Feeling a bit calmer, Sid went back to bed.

Sid then awoke to a loud screech from Baby Roshan. Running to see what was the matter, Sid saw Manny's lifeless, emofied body, dead on the ice floor.

Sid stood there petrified. After a while, Sid started to investigate Manny's death. Seeing that Manny had been emofied, Sid came to the conclusion that Manny's death was no accident. The only people that knew about Manny's emophobicness was himself, Baby Roshan, and Diego. Seeing that Baby Roshan had discovered the body and seemed too kind and innocent to do such a thing, it had to be Diego.

Sid quickly grabbed some food and Baby Roshan, unknowingly bringing the killer along with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2022 ⏰

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