1: 1: The Past

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"I'm leaving. I'm leaving this village!"

Sasuke was taken aback. "What...? Why!?" he exclaimed.

"I'm tired of how you guys treat me... I'm tired of it! I don't wanna be a ninja anymore!"

"______, are you out of your mind? The Village wouldn't just let you leave like that!"

______ looked back at him with anger flashing in his eyes.

"I've found someone who could let me leave. Sasuke..."

His eyes flashed with anger brighter than any Sharingan and Sasuke watched as he turned back around.

"...don't try following me. It'll only get you killed."

That day... Sasuke fell to his knees.

It rained.


Sasuke woke up, panic all over his features as he immediately bolted up.

He looked around and once he remembered it was just a dream, he sighed in relief.

Things has been different since... since he left the village. And Sasuke was just lucky enough to have the curse mark sealed by a Sannin, as his sensei told him since he was fast asleep when it happened.

However, the mark remained, and it was a reminder that the nightmarish snake was still looming around, waiting for him somewhere.

He didn't dare dwell on that, though, as he stood up and prepared himself.

He wasn't able to pass the Chunin exams because of his elongated stay at the hospital, but becoming a Chunin was less of his problem now than what transpired earlier in his life.

He shrugged on his shirt and went out of the door to his home.

It had bad memories so aside from sleeping in, he would rather stay out of it.

He walked towards their training ground and what greeted him was his sensei and... one of the Sannin.

"Sasuke." Kakashi greeted casually. Sasuke stared at the Sannin and his sensei. "Why did you call me?" he immediately asked.

Kakashi sighed. "As rude as always." Sasuke glared at him, making Kakashi shake his head.

"Anyway, this Shinobi here is Jiraiya, the Sannin that sealed your curse mark. And N-"

"DON'T... even think about saying his name." Sasuke barked with so much force his throat could've convulsed.

Kakashi stared at the Uchiha blankly, almost ignoring the Uchiha's sudden tantrum. "Aside from that, this man here has decided to take you in as his student. You've learned Chidori through me, so maybe you can learn more from him."

Sasuke's gaze changed to Jiraiya. The man smiled at him as they had eye contact.

Sasuke crossed his arms, sighing as he lost his glare. "Whatever. Just... as long as it'll make me stronger, I'll allow it."

Kakashi smiled through his mask and Jiraiya smiled wider, stepping forward to ruffle Sasuke's hair only for the boy to dodge by backing away.

He glared at Jiraiya again, wordlessly telling him to 'go die'.

Jiraiya was slightly surprised but just laughed it off as Sasuke walked away equally as silent.

Kakashi shook his head while sighing almost sarcastically.

"Now that's the Sasuke I know." Kakashi mused almost amusingly.

Jiraiya stared as the young Uchiha's back went farther from view.

Kakashi opened his eye. "After everything that's happened lately... I'm glad Sasuke is back to being himself."


A Sharingan flashed intently as its owner stared at the 'last' Uchiha left.

"This is going to be interesting."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2022 ⏰

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