Brewster POV

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It was just another day at the roost. I was minding my own business, villagers would come and go, coffee in hand. But this day was different. I had heard there was a new resident on the island. I didn't hear their name yet, but another customer is always welcome in the shop. While I was thinking about what this new resident was like, Isabelle walked through door. "Coo... What can I get you today?" I asked her. Isabelle sat down with a sigh. "I don't know much about this new person Brewstie, but they're so... So... Intriguing..." She wavered off. I thought I raised my brow, but alas I remained expressionless. "How so...?" I inquired. "They said they might drop in for a drink later tonight! You'll see what I mean! In the meantime, Ill have a coffee please!" She said with a smile. "Coo... Coming right up..."

Brewster x Reader: A Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now