Damn bro thats crazy

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Full name:
Serena Gia Matchet "Hatchet"

September 29th, 2003

Ai Matchet 43

William Matchet 45

Simple family background:
Ai's parents immigrated from Vietnam and she is a second gen immigrant. Her maiden name is 'Hoang.' She has an older sister and  Two younger brothers.
William is from a town in Washington where he lived with his father.
The two met at college during entry tests exams, William did not get in while Ai did. He secretly has a grudge against her because of this. The two meet again later on and form a relationship and Serena is soon conceived causing Ai and William rush to get married and move to Oregon
(Which proves to be a mistake later)

Early life:
Serena was born in Oregon in 2003. By now, her parents have bought a small 2 bedroom house. Despite her bachelor degree, Ai is a stay at home mom due to pressure from William. (this is where his silent grudge comes into play)
Will works as a shitty car salesman and makes just enough money for them to be almost low middle class. (they're poor lol) This strains Ai and Will's relationship and Will becomes more hostile towards His wife and daughter. Hatchet goes to a public elementary school and makes relatively good grades in an attempt to please her parents but to no avail.

Middle school:
Ai becomes a husk of the bright young woman she once was and now wallows around the house drinking and sleeping, uncaring of her daughter. This has an obvious effect on Serena's behavior, she begins to care less about her grades and now has a C average. Due to the neglect she begins seeking attention and taking whatever she can get. She befriends some shady upperclassmen from her school and starts staying out at night. Eventually she gets a boyfriend that's in highschool (she's still in 8th grade) and starts going to parties and skipping school. Once her mother caught on to her antics (after many calls from the school) she confronted Serena and a fight broke out. Her mother called her useless along with alot of other degrading things and kicked her out of the house. Eventually Serena is let back in and the hatred for her family blossoms. 

By this point, Serena lives her days out in a tired, angry, haze. she isn't really noticed by anybody and if she is, It usually ends badly. Which grants her the name "Hatchet." With the administration wanting her gone, and the students not caring for her, she is a perfect target for slender man's mind control. The slender sickness hits her and she commits her first murder. An old man, he was telling people conspiracies about Slender and so Hatchet was ordered to kill him. Of course she is shaken, but she enjoys the warm blood coating her hands and allowing her years of anguish to finally come out. She continued going to school, and was never caught for her crime since the old man was a nuisance the police didn't look too far into it. Because she hardly participated in school in the first place, and slender made it worse she failed a few important exams and got kicked out of school. Another fight broke out between her and her mother,  but this time it got physical and Ai ended up with a lot of bruises. Ai no longer bothered with Hatchet and the neglect continued. By now, William stepped in and put Hatchet in a shitty mental ward (mostly to get her out of the house.) Of course, there was no improvement with Hatchet's behavior. Once she got home another fight broke out between Hatchet and Ai but this time Will was there to step in and when it got physical he was the one that hit Hatchet. This was her final straw and once her parents went to bed she cut the power and lit the house on fire. Unfortunately, William survived but Ai was not so lucky. With the horror of losing his wife and only child gone William doesn't bother salvaging his life and moves to a city. His whereabouts are unknown.

I don't have an excuse yet for her hand scars yet 🥸

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2022 ⏰

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