January 9th ands its 12 am

40 1 11

ok so first of all rose is hot as shit and next bras are super shittyc like as someone who is part of the big titties gang it is shit

Also rose can confirm that I am part of big titty gang cause idk im fucking tired rn

Rose is like so fuckijy hot like broo- this is why I have a preference for women

Also I just took like more melatonin then I was supposed to so im extra sleepy

Rose makes me like fucken blush and flustered as shiiit like ofmg


Sorry I just like writing rose rn it looks funny and im trying not to giggle right now

I want cuddles nown rose ljke right fucking now bitfh

at school rose said im cute when i dont try so liek that means she thinks im cute right????? RIJGHT?

im sorry mycspelking is so bad right now vut im a fucking sleepy ass gohst so im sroorry byx


Sleepy Thoughts That Ghost Has When He's TiredWhere stories live. Discover now