Part 1

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Hello, I'm [Y/N] aka Mary Sue aka Self Insert and I'm pretty in a fairly average way. Ever since I was a little girl I've wanted to romantically presue cryptids. Especially Mothman and aliens. However everyone always told me that they weren't real and I was chasing after fantasies. So I've devoted my life to the study of these handsome entities to prove them wrong. Today is my first day on the job and it's not going well. My car is broken down in the middle of the woods. Also I'm completely lost.

I criticize myself for this, how could I have screwed up this badly on my first day? I went to college for years to get this job in cryptid study and all my coworkers in the science department were counting on me. Maybe I'm not as cut out for this work as I first thought.... Maybe I wasted my life hunting fairy tales like everyone said. My hands clap over my eyes and I can't stop crying as the memories of everyone telling me how it'd never work crash in. How I was just like my father for his career in chasing unicorns. Maybe everyone else was right.

That's when I heard the noise from the woods. I yelp and jump a bit at the surprise of sudden noise. The woods were so quiet. Wait... I have been to the woods before and it's never quiet. This silence is unusual. I jerk my head to the place where the sound came from. There's a large, winged, black, humanoid shape with red, glowing, eyes that almost hypnotize me. My jaw is hanging open as I stare in disbelief. It's him, it's Mothman. He's even more handsome than I imagined. Something about his presence is vague, mysterious, and unsettling.

I feel a heavy embarrassment as I have a fear kink so him being unsettling is... Yeah, you can probably guess why that's embarrassing in this context. He waves to me in a friendly way and greets kindly, "Hey there. I got a sense tragedy would strike so I came over... Seems like your car broke down." I fumble to speak for a second. Finally I manage to make words, "Hey? Yeahhhhhh, my car is broken. Aren't you Mothman?" He rubs the back of his head and kinda laughs, "Yeah. I'm sorta glad you are screaming and running away."

His voice is just how I thought it would sound. Smooth, dark, vibrating on the edges, hum but not. I am careful to walk slowly as to not trip on any of the tree roots in the woods. "Why would I run away from you? I've devoted my life to finding you! Please let me take a picture." Mothman clocks his head at me in confusion for a second but then nods along as he consents, "Sure but I don't take good pictures." It doesn't matter as I'm already using my camera to take as many pictures as I can. When I look at the camera roll, I can see what he means. He looks like a cgi character in the clearer shots and a blurry mess in most.

Still I got the pictures and the scientists will be excited to prove them real or fake. He starts to say something, "I can help you with your car if..." Then there's an explosion nearby. I was far enough from the road that it doesn't hurt me but I'm still in shock when I turn around. There's a space ship in the middle of the road. It doesn't seem badly damaged but the person inside doesn't look too hot. Mothman sighs, "I knew this was going to happen." He goes over to the crash and gestures me to come with. I follow him then help the astronaut out of the ship.

The stranger looks like the guys from the moonlanding but when I am this close I can see they aren't human. It's an alien. We lay them down on the side of the down road. I don't know what to do or how to help. For starters, I don't know the biological of aliens. Thankfully, the visitor sits up and is better than I thought. They try talking but neither of us understand what they are saying. For a moment they fiddled around with their suit and then I come understand everything they are saying. I don't know how but it's like there is something in my head translating everything but only vaguely.

They are telling us that we need to get into the ship and bring a mobile phone like device so they can call someone. I tell Mothman to call for someone for my car while I get the device. He gives a thumbs up and I return to the crash. There's a silver rectangle and I grab it, bringing it back. The stranger takes it and thanks us, getting to their feet. I get back in my car and sit in the driver's seat whilst the alien calls for space ship repair. After digging around, I get my other camera and exit the vehicle.

The call ends and Mothman is back from wherever he found a phone in the middle of the woods. I ask the people from beyond the stars if they would like their picture taken. They paused a bit but ultimately suggested that I take pictures of them and their ship so they can copy it for reasons. I shrug and take some pictures. The pictures have a lot of glitches and are also blurry like before. I hand the cam over to the alien and question, "What's with these pictures?" The astronaut studies as they copy, puzzling aloud that it might be their technology causing malfunctions.

They hand the camera back when they get done. Mothman calls put to us both, "There's a gas station nearby! We can wait there!!" The Cosmonaut and I look at each other. We turn back to Mothman and agree to go there.

It wasn't a very long walk to the gas station but by the time I get there, I'm hungry and thirsty. The two cryptids sit down by the bench outside the gas station. I ask, "I'm going in for food, you want anything?" Mothman says, "Sure, whatever you get I can probably eat." The Alien Cosmonaut explains they don't know what food they can eat here but they want to see what it looks like. So I go inside. The person working there doesn't notice anything that's happening, busily reading a strange romance novel. The cameras seem to be fake and only there to scare off people looking to steal from here.

I get a bag of chips and a soda. While I looked for something to give the two cryptids, I notice pink, heart shaped, donuts. I get two and pay for everything. They take the donuts then I hand them over. It's a small gesture that they probably won't even realize but I wanted to say that I love them both. It all seems too fast but today I found myself falling in love with them both. However I feel it's selfish to be too open about it, given I've only met them today. So we all sit at the bench and enjoy the cheap snacks.

It's pleasantly warm. The sounds of birds start up again. It's almost like everything is normal. Yet it's the greatest day of my life so far.

The End.

Mothman and An Alien Cosmonaut have a nice dayWhere stories live. Discover now