My Mate

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I have arrived home from work, pulling out my keys from my pocket, opening up the door. The apartment had been empty when arriving telling him his partner had still been at work. I went inside, shutting the door behind as I made my way to the kitchen to start making dinner.

I should probably introduce myself, shouldn't I? Hello, my name is Lucas and I am a alpha. I live in this apartment with my omega mate Daniel.

We have known each other since high school, only however getting together after my graduation. Daniel had already graduated two years ago, him having been my senior. He had been a tutor of mine. Even if people say how smart we alpha's are, I'm not one of those bright alphas. I've always had trouble with schooling, that was till Daniel had helped me out.

Daniel had came to my graduation, having pulled me away as he confessed his feelings towards me. At first, I didn't know how to reply to my senior's confession. I was so happy to hear his confession, I couldn't say anything as a smile appeared on my face, a light tear from my right eye flowing down my cheek.

Daniel slowly walked up as he lightly placed his hand against my check, caressing it. His other hand slowly made its way to the other side. The gentle fingers from my senior brushed the tear that was in my cheek away. He soon looked up at me with a light smile.

Even if I couldn't say anything, he could tell what I was feeling. Our faces slowly got closer together as our lips closed the gap, connecting our touch. It had felt like nothing I felt before. It was almost like a spark had went through my body, connecting me with my senior. It was obvious to see that Daniel could also feel that spark between us, connecting our relationship closer...

I had been cutting some vegetables as I heard the door open. I looked behind as a smile came on my face, seeing my mate enter inside. It was clear that he was tired, wanting to make his life easier.

"Welcome home Love. How was work?" I said as I soon turned my attention back to the vegetables I was cutting, pushing them into the pot that held a liquid soup like consistency inside.

A light sigh came out of his mouth as he took his coat off, walking towards his lover that was inside the kitchen. He leaned against his back, wrapping his arms around his waist. His fingers clasped together as he held him close; "Exhausting. What about you? You seem to be in a good mood"

A chuckle came out of my lips as I stirred the veggies and sauce together, letting it cook. "I am since I'm able to see you now. Hm.. how about after we eat, we can go and cuddle together. Would that help you relax?"

I looked over my head as I looked down at Daniel. I had been lightly taller than him, having grown a few inches in high school.

The omega didn't say anything, closing his eyes. Just a light nod had came off of him. He continued to stand behind, keeping the others scent close. It was a very soothing scent.

After about 10-15 minutes, the food had been done and prepared. I set the two plates on the table as having something following close behind. It was almost like a puppy wanting ones attention. It was adorable to watch.

I turned around as I looked down lightly at him. He had a confused face as he looked at me. Grinning lightly, I picked him up bridal style before setting him down on the chair. Kissing his cheek before I had walked away grabbing silverware for the two of us. Walking back over towards the table, setting the two spoons down, one in front of each of us.

Daniel smiled as he grabbed the spoon, scooping up a bit of the rice on the other side of the curry. He had always been one to eat the two separate of each other. The spoon soon made it towards his mouth biting down. He face had soon a bit of a surprise look as he slowly started to eat more at quicker pace

Watching him had brought a smile to my face as I started to dig in myself. It was nice to eat with him every day. Knowing he was tired after work practically everyday, he still had spent time with me. I am happy to have him.

After the two of them finished dinner, I had went to clean up the mess I had made. However, a hand hand clench onto my shirt. Confused, I turned to look at him before wrapping my arms around him.

"It's something wrong Babe?" I ask, a bit concerned.

He looked up at me as if I knew. I looked around lightly before looking back, trying to figure out what it could be though he seemed more annoyed that I couldn't remember.

"You said after dinner we would cuddle together. To help me relax."

Surprised lightly, I wasn't sure what to say for a moment. I remember that I had said that but I didn't expect it right right after dinner. Even so, I sighed lightly as I knew he wouldn't let me go till we had. I nuzzled his neck, putting a light kiss on it before looking at him. It never seemed like I could win with him.

"Alright. You win."

He smiled as he grabbed my hand, taking us to our room. Once we had reached the room, Daniel let go of my hand as I sat down on the bed. Climbing into my lap as a push on my chest came, having me down onto my back.

If being honest, I had mostly just let him. It was cute seeing how he acted tho. I just wanted to let him, laying down on top of me. I wrapped my arms tightly around while still being careful.

"I love you.." Daniel said softly as he closed his eyes. He however soon fell asleep, still having been exhausted. It was much easier thought with his sweet smell so close to him

Another smile had soon came on my face, having my mate laying in my arms. I gently brushed his hair out of his face, smelling light pheromones oozing or of his body. It was a very nice scent. Almost as if we were out in the wilderness all day. It was a scent I enjoyed.

"I love you too," I said, though knowing he was already asleep by the time I said it. I kept him close to my body as I closed my eyes myself, not wanting to leave him.

I Left My Mate... For Him? (MxM)Where stories live. Discover now