A Prince and A Crow

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TRIGGER WARNING: mentions and implications of abuse and unintentional neglect.

AN: This is in no way canon to the actual lore of Empires or Philza's hardcore world lore, just something I thought of on a whim and wanted to write out. Some wholesome fun if you will. As this is my first official piece, I ask that you all remain kind yet observant. I'm always looking for ways to improve my writing. Thanks for your support! And enjoy these bird bros :)


Xornoth had just got done with another "tormenting brother" session, and it wasn't a pretty one either. In fact it was terrifying. Chasing the smaller winged elf all the way out of the palace to the edge of a mountain and holding him there. Repeatedly jerking him by the back of the collar of his shirt as if he were about to throw him off.

"Aw but I though you were Aeor's champion! Didn't mum and dad say he gave you wings for a reason? So go on Scott! FLY!!"

He roared before one final push and pull back to safety, as safe as he could get at least. Scott, on the ground shaking with fear, looks back to his older brother. He's howling with laughter, almost maniacally.

"Dear god, I wish dad would see you right now because WOW!! He'd eat his apology to you right off the ground. You really are simply pathetic."

Scott was already in tears, but the last few words completely broke him. He quickly stood up and took off running making his way back towards the palace. However he didn't go back inside. No, his parents would be waiting for him there, them and the threat of a lifetime. So instead he runs past his home, out of Rivendell, into the distant valley and finally collapsed in a dense spruce forests.
The young elf took a minute to catch his breath, and once he had he began to cry once more. There was no point in trying to stop himself, he was exhausted after the long run. Not to mention he hadn't anything to eat before Xornoth's encounter. So there he sat, against a tall, firm spruce, riddled with crows. A ridiculous amount of crows in fact, and all oddly puzzled by the sight of the young cyanette at the foot of their tree.

"What's the matter?"

A deep voice called out from the dense foliage. Scott instantly jolted up, only to find no one there. He sat completely still, his stag instinct kicking in. "Hello?" He meekly called out.
His ears twitched at the sound of a crow quickly flapping its wings and taking off into the shadows. Scott shook his head, trying his damndest to push out the fear. It was almost working until more crows followed suit. Now he was terrified.
Suddenly the thick greenery began to come to life. Twigs snapped and leaves rustled, a few of the crows began to circle whatever was coming out of it. Scott sat completely petrified as a taller, and presumably older, blond male appeared. He was draped in deep green robes and dawned a pair of large crow wings. His hair was a mess and around his neck seemed to be a locket of sorts. A red heart.

"You're alright mate. I'm not gonna hurt ya."

The man spoke, the same voice had Scott had just heard. He continued to sit still, in denial about his current fate. The last time someone said they wouldn't hurt him, Xornoth pushed him into a mud puddle in front of a visiting few nobles. However something about the current encounter seemed.. different. The man's face didn't resemble that of ill intent. His eyes were relaxed and he was grinning softly. Scott had to say something. Anything, just to break the tension. It was impolite to state after all.

"Y-you promise?"
Little forward, don't you think Scott..

"Cross my heart. Now then, what's your name, kid?

The elf adjusted himself in his place, now feeling slightly more relaxed. Still afraid, but less now.


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