Part one

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If your struggling with getting more reads on Wattpad I totally understand this easy book will help you with that.
Remember though it takes times to build up a regular following base and you need to be patient Yiur success story won't happen over night.

(1) Have a good, entertaining biography, this is very important it introduces your reader to who you are include tags in it, include funny jokes who you are and what you do, be careful though not to add personal information/data. An entertaining biography includes something interesting about yourself, a joke but make it lol professional, have a good professional author picture, as well as links to other social media sights. A good username as well not somthing stupid or your own name there are heaps of good username generators out there.

(2) Update a book with a good story line, once or twice a week, update slowly and don't put all chapters up at once as you will loose readers rather have a schedule posting system readers can expect
Talk to people! Take advantage of Wattpad it is a social platform, comment on author stories vote, don't be a silent reader, go to forums, comment on author pages, and generally meet other people, start a conversation and ask advice or offer support if you need it.
(3) Follow other people, and go on a general follow spree also tag #followforfollow people will more likely follow then
Be kind and don't spam people that is generally frowned on in the Wattpad community, rather post engaging comments not about your work at all. This goes with kindness as well, compliment people on there books and give feedback what they can improve on remember to be polite.

(4) Have interesting reading lists with books that are good I know I'm more want to follow someone when I'm looking  for a good book to read when there reading list is good

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