Naughty igglepiggle 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺

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Y/m had had a busy day at the office. She was tired. The walk home was loud and busyer that at the office. She eventually got home to her apartment and sat down to rest her legs.

"Yes my name... is iggle-piiiiigle.... Igglepiggle wiggle wiggle wiiiiiiiigle......
Yes my name is iggle piggleeee... iggle... piggle... wiggle... wiggle... woooooooooo......"

Y/m gasped. She thought igglepiggle was still at work. Why was he home so early and why didn't he tell her? Suddenly she heard a second voice...

"Upsie daisy here I come..... I'm the only upsie one.... I'm the only daisy doo.... Ipsie upsie daisy dooooo"

Y/m froze. There was someone else in the house with igglepiggle.....
Y/m stood up quietly and started creeping towards the bedroom where she could hear the music coming from... slowly... she opened the door to find....

Igglepiggle was doing karaoke... WITH ANOTHER GIRL!! Not only was this a girl but this was upsie daisy... Y/MS BEST FRIEND!!!

Y/m barged in and started yelling. Upsie daisy started yelling back saying that igglepiggle told her to and igglepiggle started mansplaining what karaoke was.

"THAT IS IT! I AM MOVING BACK HOME! I AM SICK OF THIS HERE CITY AND I AM READY TO BECOME THE YEE YEE GIRLIE THAT I WAS ALWAYS DESTINED TO BE!!" Yelled y/m. She put on her country boots and hat and climbed into her jeep and headed home. This was it. The fresh start she was longing for. Maybe now she could find a man that could really love her.

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