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During their fight with Tomura Shigaraki. The pro hero Duo Deku and Diamonmight (aka Izuku Midoriya and Katsumi Bakugo). Suddenly vanished and everyone who knew them lost all knowledge of their existence.

When Izuku and Katsumi woke up they were in a see-through cell with a group of some people who looked like Heroes, but they didn't look familiar except one. Tho Izuku couldn't see her face. He was able to make out her costume a little bit, tho not entirely.

Izuku's POV

"Deku!!" Kacchan screamed,

"Y-y-yes Kacchan?" I said,

"WHERE THE HELL ARE WE!?" Kacchan yelled/asked,

"I don't know, but maybe they do." I said,

I started to get up. I then activated my voice translater to English. Cuz these people didn't appear to look like their from Japan.

"Hello can I ask why we're here? and does anyone here know Japanese?" I asked, a man in a red and yellow iron suit stepped forward.

"Hello sir I'm Jarvis. Tony Stark's AI. We'll answer your questions if you accept answering some questions of our own as well." The AI said, I nodded in full agreement.

"Sure thing Jarvis. Also my name Izuku Midoriya and the explosive blonde behind me is my girlfriend Katsumi Bakugo. Our hero names are Deku and Diamonmight." I said, bowing, suddenly a voice spoke out in triumph.

"YES! I finally got it! Hey, guys I finished making the cell able to make it where those inside hear their native tongue when we speak to them from our end and we'll hear them speaking English when they speak to us." said a muscular green skin man with glasses and wearing a white scientist lab coat.

"I think you should introduce yourself now. Real names first then your hero names." I said, everyone nodded, the big green man in the lab coat came up first.

"Bruce Banner. Hero name The Hulk." He said, I nodded. Next came the man in the iron suit.

"Tony Stark. Hero Name Ironman." He said then returned. Next came a man who had a red and white shield with a star in the middle.

"Steven Rogers. Hero Name Captain America." He said, returning to the group. Next came a woman in a skintight black bodysuit that would make even Midnight sensei jealous. She had short red hair.

"Natasha Romanoff. Hero Name Black Widow." She said, I could tell that she was Russian.

"Ms. Romanoff judging from your costume and weapons on you. I can tell that you were once a great spy to Russia. But you shouldn't have to rely on your body and disguises or your weapons. If you're a well-known assassin. Men who know that someone is out to get them. They will be expecting you. I think adding small compressed tear gas bombs and stun grenades will help you out alot." I said, giving her a smile.

"I never thought of that. I'm guessing you know someone who uses that?" She asked, I nodded.

"My girlfriend Katsumi is the best at making stun grenades with the help of her quirk. The tear gas compressed bombs was my suggestion for her and my underground friend Shinso or Controller who has a brainwashing quirk." I said, she nodded and went back to the group. Next came a man with straight blonde hair and a beard.

"Thor son of Odin. Hero Name Thor God of Lighting and Thunder." He said, then returned back to the group. Suddenly a boy and a girl who looked younger than us threw someone who apparently was their mentor at the cell wall. I winched in sympathy.

"OW... you kids will literally be the death of me. Anywho I'm Peter Parker. Hero Name Spider-man. The boy in the black suit similar to mine is Miles Morales my successor. And the girl is Gwen Stacy also my successor." He said, in a tired voice, but could I hear more to it.

"Mr. Parker Judging from the sound of your voice I think you should take a break for a month or two. Cuz your going to put both yourself and your successors in danger if you suddenly fainted from exhaustion. Mr. Stark I'm betting your his Mentor can you make this an official order. Cuz I can tell that Mr. Parker lost someone important to him because of a villain and he's trying to get revenge. I know from experience. That revenge isn't the answer to everything. All it'll do is just cause more pain. Killing should never be used unless as a last resort. It just isn't the way of a hero. I'm sure most of you think otherwise but what if the villain you killed had a family. Kids who watch as a hero kills their father or even their mother or both. How do you think those kids would respond to that. Do you think they will still want to be a hero or will they want to avenge their parents deaths?" I said, Tony and Steven nodded,

"Peter Parker I'm giving you a month and a half suspension from your Spider-man duties." Stark said, a woman then came over she had a star on her chest I recognized her.

"Captain Marvel!" I yelled, everyone looked shocked at me even Katsumi. Who's been quite the whole time.

"Yes that's my hero name. And my name is..." I cut her off.

"Carol Danvers! Kacchan! I know where we are now!" I said excitedly.

"Well don't keep me waiting nerd tell me." She said,

"We're not in our universe anymore Kacchan. We're in the Marvel universe. That was created by Stan Lee who died two years before we came here. Captain Marvel was the only one that stood out to me the most cuz she was like a woman version of All Might." I said, bouncing on my feet.

"But that doesn't explain why we're here Deku." Kacchan said, I smiled at her.

"What?" Kacchan asked,

"I think I know why we're here." I said, everyone looked at me. But my smile soon became a Grim look.

"Ms. Marvel may not have told her teammates yet but she was before our 'sudden' appearance. They may need our help with a sudden evil from the DC universe. The Batman who laughs, Emperor Joker, and Lex Luthor super man. Are making their way here and Captain Marvel lost her successor from the sudden attack am I correct?" I asked, with my back to them.

"How..." I turned around and took out my last Captain Marvel comic book from out of nowhere. I then flew through the page and I stopped at where we are now. I put it on the wall of cell, so they can see.

"This is how but when I tried to continue reading it was blank." I said I then turned the page showing that it was indeed blank.

"So what's your universe like?" Mr. Banner asked,

"Our world is where 90% of our world's population has superpowers that we call quirks there are those who use their quirks to risk their own lives to help, support, care, and protect others. They are given the title of hero. Then there are those who would use their quirks for their own personal gain and to hurt innocents. They receive the title of villains. Then there is the other 10% who are born without power or a quirk. They are know as quirkless. I used to be one of those people. Until my hero, my Mentor, and someone that I looked to as a Father that I never had, All Might. He gave me his quirk so I could actually achieve my dreams. He got to see me become both the Symbol of Hope and the #1 hero before he passed away from his injury. That he had gotten from All For One. My Quirk is called One For All with the quirks of all the 8 previous users and my original quirk that All For One took from me One in All. I can basically improve people's quirks, but I think if I could use it on you I would basically just improve your powers ten times then it original was. Also those who don't have a power. I would basically unlock your hidden power. If I remember correctly Mr. Stark you rely on your smarts and your fortune to be a hero. I might be able to awaken your hidden powers and also rid you from those reoccurring visions that already came and went. All I need is your permission both mentally and physically to do this and that goes for everyone." I said, everyone nodded saying they agreed to and they give me permission to use my quirk to help them.

I smiled at them. I then closed my eyes and sent out mental strings and touch each of them where there hearts are I then activated my quirk One In All. Everyone gasped at the sudden power boost two people started changing and they were Black Widow and Tony Stark.

Black Widow grew fangs and a black Panther ears and a tail. Her once brown eyes, became cat like and bright gold. Tony Stark gotten out of his iron suit. He too started to change. His fingers started to growing small electric charged tentacles 10 on each finger started to change. His eyes became like Mai Hatsune's but his were silver instead of gold like her's.

Word Count 1583.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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