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comfort person - someone who makes you feel happy and safe whenever you see them. They give you so much comfort. The person who saved you.

Taking a deep breath, she brought her clenched fist up to the wooden door and knocked gently, before allowing her hand to fall at her side again. When no one came to the door immediately, she began to regret coming to see him and bit her bottom lip as she fiddled with her bracelet. Seconds passed and she started to feel stupid. Obviously he was busy. Obviously he hadn't meant it. That night on the balcony when he held her tight, keeping her warm as he pressed kisses into her hair had obviously meant nothing to him. So much for him always being there for her.

She was about to step away from the door when she heard the door being unlocked quickly from the other side. Slowly tilting her head up, she came face to face with the chocolate brown eyes of the person she loved the most, her most comforting sight, Lee.

His face lit up when he saw her standing at his door, but it quickly dropped upon seeing her solemn look. Normally happy as ever, this was very unlike her.

"Faye? Is everything okay?" he asked gently, searching her eyes for some sign.

She stood silently for a few moments, just looking at him, before stepping forward and wrapping her arms around him, and burying her face in his neck.

He quickly took the initiative, pulling her inside the dressing room and sitting down on the sofa, pulling her into his lap. He gently traced small circles on her upper back, holding her close to him, allowing her to take a moment.

They sat in silence for a while, Lee allowing Faye to take her time. When she finally pulled away from him and looked up, she was greeted by his concerned face.

"Sorry about that," she mumbled gently

"Hey, no worries, remember. I meant what I said that night - I'm always here for you," his voice was barely louder than a whisper as he leant in to kiss her forehead, "now, would you like to talk about it?"

She took a shaky breath, nodding, "I'm just really anxious for the show."

He nodded, allowing her to continue, "it's just, what if I mess up, or if I let you and the guys down. What if people hate me or what if-"

He cut her off by gently putting his index finger to her lips, "breathe," he whispered, making his breaths loud enough for her to hear so she could follow along.

When her breathing had returned to normal, he resumed, "I can't talk for the others, but I know for a fact you could never let me down. Ever. You are one of the most talented, amazing people I know. As for messing up, you know the routine and the vocals by heart, so I know it's hard but try not to overthink it. Just go with the flow."

She nodded, taking in all of his words carefully. 

"You always know just what to say, thank you," she smiled softly, leaning her head on his shoulder, "I can't lie though, I'm still nervous."

He nodded, pulling her further into his body and hugging her tightly, "that's okay, nerves are good. If it would make you feel better you can hold my hand."

She nodded enthusiastically against his shoulder before looking up at him, "promise you won't let go, ever?" she pouted

He chuckled, "of course not."

"Okay good."

There was a loud knock at the dressing room door before a voice shouted, "five minutes until stage."

"There's our cue," he stated softly, looking down at her, "are you okay now?"

She nodded slowly, "yeah, I think so."

Faye pulled herself off of Lee's lap, allowing him to stand up also. As his hand reached for hers, she felt the heat rising in her cheeks, and she could only guess how red her face looked when he entwined their fingers.

He smiled softly at her, before heading off toward the stage, with her following close behind, basking in the comfort that such a small gesture brought her.

"Promise me something," she whispered as they stood with their band mates ready to go on stage


"This isn't a one time thing."

He kissed her lightly on her lips, smiling as he did so, "I promise."

Before she had time to respond, the five piece were pushed out onto stage to perform, with Faye grabbing Lee's hand whenever possible.

It became an unspoken thing between them, that whenever Faye was anxious about whatever event they were attending, all she had to do was grab Lee's hand, and she knew everything would be okay. He comforted her in every way, kept her grounded in a way she never knew was possible. It was their thing. Over the years, many people would ask why they held onto each other the way they did, but the pair never said much about it. All that mattered was Lee was Faye's comfort person, and she always knew, no matter what, that she was safe with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2021 ⏰

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