The eyes

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Samantha always despised Sophie. Sophie acted as though she had the world in the palm of her hands, always so entitled and arrogant. And worst of all it seemed as though she would always get away with it!
Meanwhile, Samantha had to work hard to earn her accomplishments. She was a straight-A student and spent many hours studying and completing homework, so much time that she never attempted to have a boyfriend "it's such a waste of time" she told herself whenever the thought of a boyfriend came up.

However, she didn't know that her entire life philosophy would change after one fateful encounter when she was partnered up with Sophie in her physics's class. The assignment was to build a trebuchet and required her to spend time outside of school with her partner building the trebuchet. And when Mr Turley randomly chose Sophie as her partner she practically begged for anyone else. She knew Sophie wouldn't be any help and that she would be completing the assignment on her own. But her fate had already been sealed...

A few days later Samantha and Sophie got together at Sophie's house because she had a big home, which to Samantha was just another example of why she hated her. Samantha had brown curly hair and a cute nerdy complexion, today she was wearing a black tight t-shirt, jean shorts, and a pair of slip-on shoes. Sophie was wearing a blue dress that was very short around her legs. Her long blonde hair practically drifted in the wind as she came walking up in her high heels. She stopped her feet on the ground to a degree that you could hear coming a mile away. They sat down together in Sophie's bedroom. Sophie had big plans for Samantha... Samantha didn't know that she had a powerful trick up her sleeve.

"Sophie, look... I know you... and I want you to understand that I'm not going to do this assignment by myself. You have to pull your weight and if not, I'll be sure to let Mr Turley know that you didn't contribute to the project"

"Wow! you think I'm not going to help with this? Come on... I'll do what I'm good at and you can do what you're good at! Will play on each other's strengths."

"What exactly is good at doing Sophie?"

"Well, I find that most people will just do as I say when they look at my eyes"

Samantha scoffed "yeah your pretty eyes may work on boys but they won't help us"

"Not just boys, everyone."


"I'm serious! how do you think my family can afford this place?"

"Wait, wait, you're telling me that you used your... Eyes? To get this house"

"Oh it's so easy Samantha, do you wanna see it?"

Samantha thought about whether or not Sophie was legitimate. After all, if it was true then by accepting her offer she would be letting her put herself into some kind of spell. But then again, intuition would tell her that there's no way Sophie could essentially 'hypnotize' her with her eyes. It sounded absurd.

"You know what, fine let's see these 'hypnotic' eyes you seem to be boasting about," Samantha said.

"Alright, all you need to do is, look into my eyes..."


Samantha looked into her eyes they were a nice shade of blue, they were admirable at best, but not 'powerful'. However, within seconds Sophie widened her gaze and her eyes transformed into a bright shade of purple. This terrified Samantha as she immediately began to suspect that Sophie wasn't lying and that she really could hypnotize her. But now she couldn't look away from her eyes. Sophie had already captured her.

"Woah, Sophie, I... I can't look away" it was becoming hard for Samantha to think.

"That's right Sam, you can't look away, can't you?"

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