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~Renee Rapp~
~Brooklyn Amy Alden~

~Renee Rapp~ as ~Brooklyn Amy Alden~

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~Becca Means~
~Amelia Grace Alden~

~Becca Means~as ~Amelia Grace Alden~

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~Danielle Rose Russell~ 

~Hope Andrea Mikaelson~

~Kaylee Bryant~as ~Josette Olivia Saltzman~

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~Kaylee Bryant~
~Josette Olivia Saltzman~

~Kaylee Bryant~as ~Josette Olivia Saltzman~

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~Jenny Boyd~
~Elizabeth Jenna Saltzman~

~Jenny Boyd~as ~Elizabeth Jenna Saltzman~

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~Quincy Fouse~
~Milton Greasly~

~Aria Shaghasami~as ~Landon Kirby~

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~Aria Shaghasami~
~Landon Kirby~

~Emily Alyn Lind~as~Amanda Bailey~

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~Emily Alyn Lind~
~Amanda Bailey~

~Emily Alyn Lind~as~Amanda Bailey~

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Brooklyn Alden is known around school for being one of the only were-witches left in the world. With her mom being a werewolf and her father being a warlock. Both supernatural genes passed down to her , asking her one of the last hybrids eft on Earth.

Brooklyn is known for excelling in the art of necromancy and invocation. She has studied this type of magic ever since she read about it when she was eight years old. She has been attending the Salvatore boarding School since she was 4.

Brooklyn's werewolf curse was broken recently when she got into a car accident, causing in her parent's and her best friend's death. Her friend, Zoe Bailey, was a human, she attended Mystic Falls High School, where she was known for being the cheer captain and beating Dana up when she said Brooklyn was a whore.

Amelia Alden is a witch, although her and Brooke had the same genes, her mother's werewolf  gene did not pass down to her, something she is thankful for. She is known around school for being one of the most advanced witches in the whole school, they consider her the 'Hermione Granger' of the Salvatore School. 

Amelia excels in the area of divination, where she has been able to predict things that are going to happen in a couple of months. Like when she predicted the fire in Hope's bedroom, a few weeks before it happened.

Both sisters are known to be protective of each other, but Brooklyn is more known to be over-protective of her sister due to the werewolf genes.

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