Bully In University

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"Min Yoongi, have a seat please" the teacher said.

Yoongi quietly went and sat beside the boy who was fake sobbing with a broken hand and an swollen eye.

"Can you explain me what is this?" The teacher pointed at the boy.

"A boy" Yoongi answered simply.

The teacher took a deep breath "What is his condition?"

Yoongi looked at the boy and faked thinking "It seems like he was beaten up" and then looks at the teacher.

"Who beat him up?"



"Because he was bullying"

"Then you should have complained it to the teachers"

"Well, weren't you the one who was looking at the kid getting bullying and smile" every teacher in the room turned to the him and he gulped.

"That's not true"

"It is, I can call some witnesses and they will tell everyone here that you were there and did nothing to help that little innocent kid" Yoongi turned to the others teachers "Do you guys want to know why?" They nodded "Because that particular student pointed out his mistake in from of the whole class and corrected him, that humiliated him as the students were laughing at him. So has a revenge he decreased his marks and let him get bullied" everyone gasped even the kid who came to complain.

"You are worst than me" he sneered.

"Well, thanks for the help" Yoongi said to the boy.

"You made him bully that child??!!!"

"Are you a fool? Wait you are. I made him fake his wounds and complain about me so that I can show your place" the teachers clapped for Yoongi who smirked whereas the person in front of him, the teacher glared at him "Do get him fired" the teachers nodded.

Yoongi and the kid left the cabin.

"Thanks, I will compensate for the damage I did to the kid. I deeply regret it" Yoongi patted his back.

"Also apologize to the kid and don't ever repeat this" the kid bowed nodding and left.

Yoongi went to his class and sat with Jungkook and Jennie. He explained what happened and they two laughed at the poor but not so poor teacher.

Soon, all the classes ended. Jennie went back to her house whereas Jungkook and Yoongi went to their job.

On the other side,

Hoseok came back home with a tireding body and look, he flopped on the couch and started massaging his forehead when the door opened.

"Hobi Hyung you are back? So early?"

"Yes, I was tired" he kept massaging his forehead.

Suddenly, someone's phone rang.

"Jennie who is calling-"

"What??!!! Wait I will there right now!!!" Jennie said and cancelled the call "Sorry guys, I have to go and do you mind if two my friends come over tonight? It's kinda an emergency" Jennie asked the others.

"Of course, we won't mind Jennie, as long as they don't know who we are nor our enemies" Jennie smiled at Jin's answer.

"You can rest assure Hyung, my friends are innocent" they nodded in agreement "I will be back with them soon" she said and rushed out of the house at the speed of lighting.

"I wonder who that friends of hers might be for whom she ran this way" Taehyung said.

"Must be her two best friends, who else are her friends" Jimin said and everyone nodded. They were waiting for the two people whom Jennie is going to bring with them.

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