chapter one: welcome to Fazbears.

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(Y/n) POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Just a little closer, just a little..!"
David says, pulling me farther into the crowd, i struggle to crouch to his level and move at the same time.

"Slow down buddy, they aren't going anywhere!"
I say.

It smells like burning pizza and tooth decay in this place...the second i step in, im immediately hit from all senses, the ear-bleeding screeches from eager or frightened children, the smells of what may be burning foods, and the blinding neon lights that shine right in your eyes without miss.

Im here because the kid i babysit, David, loves this place, specifically Freddy Fazbear, hes adored him since he was little, so being here, watching Freddy in real life instead of behind the TV...its his dream.

"(Y/n), look, its the bear!!"
David screams, pulling me farther across the crowd.

...David turned six today, he was so excited, all he asked his parents for were tickets for a whole day here, a faz pass he called it. 'Momma, all i want in the whole world is to see Freddy play his songs'.

when i came to babysit him he was flashing the tickets to this place right in my face...I'll probably be here really late if David gets his way.

"Yeah, i see him, he looks...shiny."
I say....Freddy Fazbear, not the first, maybe not the last...he looks way more different than his first version.

"He looks so shiny!!"
He shouts, hoping in place..he's so excited, its amazing.

We walk farther to the stage, where the animatronics are blasting their music, the children beside us cheer their names, David doesn't say a word, he just smiles...childish wonder seems to leave him speechless, staring at that bear..he sees him as a hero, why? Im not sure, but the face he gets when he sees makes this trip worth it.

"Do you think Freddy would like me??"
David asks, snapping out of his trance and staring right at me, i tilt my head and chuckle.

"Would he like a hyper boy whos nice, funny, and drinks way too much fizzy faz soda? Hm.."
I pause, pulling an expression that makes it look like im legitimately wondering, he leans closer to me, looking up and putting all his focus to what ill say.

"..i think he'd absolutely adore you, David."
I say, he smiles so widely and turns back to the animatronics on stage.

"I think so too, we would be best friends, the bestest..!"
He says, i chuckle a bit...i wish i was this enthusiastic about being here, if i had his energy..i feel like if i used half of David's energy, I'd die on the spot.

After a few minutes, David turns back to me, tugging my hand, i look down to him again and he sighs.

"Could we get pizza? Im really really hungry.."
David pleads, holding his stomach like he's starving.

"Alright, there's way too many pizza stands, lets go hunt one down and get some dinner."
I say, he smiles and holds my hand, following me out of the crowd surrounding the stage.

Once we're out, we go to one of the many bright signs that say 'PIZZA!' on it, some posters have the original fazbear group on it. The bunny, the yellow chicken, the fox...i guess the only one they kept alike to the original was Freddy, all the others either became a new species or got an entirely different look.

"Before we go to the counter, What kind of pizza do you want?"
I ask.

He pauses, putting his hands on the side of his head, its like how people fidget with things when they think, he squishes his face.

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