notes from the author

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• first off all this IS NOT MINE story, it belongs to hattalove am just putting the story in wattpad. With TOTAL AWARE of the author •
• The original story is on ao3, here's the link:
• The original story has 2 long chapters so i divided them into smaller chapters.

• zayn does not appears in the story :(

notes from the author
in all seriousness though, this was by far the most difficult thing i've ever written. i struggled with it every single step of the way. every goddamn word. literally none of it was easy. i can't believe i finished?? miracles do happen after all. but i do have to say i'm incredibly nervous, very self-conscious, hella anxious, et cetera, because this obviously isn't my usual fare, and it took me so far out of my comfort zone i'm still not sure how i managed so many words of it. i REALLY REALLY hope at least someone out there likes it, because in the end, i'm also kind of excited to let it go and see how it does on its own out there in the world.

anyways, as always, many many thanks are in order. first, to aaron, the absolute superstar, who took me on again this year and did such an unbelievably spectacular job of bringing this ugly thing to life. he's been so enthusiastic about it from the very first snippet he got to read, and the fact that he liked it was what made me keep on writing when i wanted to give up on it in the most difficult bits. and also, he's wonderful, extremely talented, an absolute joy to work with, and did i mention that he voluntarily decided to take on another Kris Monster Fic? wow. i'm just always so genuinely impressed at how good he is at drawing, and endlessly flattered that he chooses to use his talent on my questionable creations, and Extremely Overwhelmed in general, but to get to the actual point, you can find his amazing art throughout the story, as well as in a masterpost right here. please shower him in love and praise like he deserves!

second, thank you to tashie, my favourite person and my literal shining star in this ugly world in which everything happens so much. the fact that the second half of this fic exists at all is entirely down to her throwing ideas at me when i was at a complete loss, and so is the fact that i carried on writing early on in this hell of a journey, so i just want everyone to know that she's my someone supportive and i adore her with every fibre of my being.

now for another disclaimer - this is technically a breakup fic. this should be clear from the tags/the movie it's based on, but i wanted to make it clear just in case, and also because this is most definitely not what i usually write. i had this idea for over three years before i actually started writing it, so i had a lot of time to refine it and i did my best to not make it All Angst All The Time, but aaron cried a lot so i...don't know if i succeeded. BUT obviously the ending is happy, because i'm not sure there's a point if harry and louis don't end up together.

okay, end rant! before i forget, the title is from i miss you by kacey musgraves.

enjoy ♥

Got the sunshine on my shoulders - by: hattaloveWhere stories live. Discover now