Chapter 27 (revised)

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(Hunter's POV)

I stayed in E city for a week after, I hadn't seen Roy since that night because he went back home the next morning.

The talk afterwards was awkward, I wouldn't even count it as a talk honestly, it was an exchange of one word with zero eye contact.



I cringed inside at the memory.

I wonder if he's mad? Or if his feelings got hurt. I mean I'd definitely feel offended if someone ran away from me after sex.

But it's not like I didn't enjoy myself, I did. I just, freaked out because I realized it had been four years since I opened my legs for someone.

And that the last person I was with was...

After jackass died, I felt like I was done, and that I wouldn't be with anyone again.

But then I come back and Roy's all... Roy, and before I even realized, I was too far in to back out.

I'm in. Honestly, I had always been in.

"Why are you so quiet this morning love?" Mom sat across from me. We sat in her room, I joined her for breakfast.

I sighed, pushing my food around with my fork. "Just thinking."

"Is it because you and Roy had another fight?" She flipped through the news paper.

I looked up at her. "Ah, well-"

"Oh please, it's always been obvious with you two. So, what happened?" She looked at me.

I looked back down at my plate. "It was uh-"

She chuckled. "Oh come on dear, you can tell me anything."

I couldn't be quiet anymore. "We had sex! And I freaked out! Because I haven't had sex with anyone since my jackass husband died!"

She stared at me quietly, her mouth gaped open a little. Clearly, she didn't know how to respond.

And I don't blame her! I don't know why I just blurted that out! Maybe because it's been on my mind for a week and I haven't talked to anyone about it, not even him.

She put her news paper down. "Um, dear, there are some things you shouldn't tell your mother-"

"I know!" I hid my face.

She sat back, crossing her arms. "I mean I kinda figured, after seeing your neck the next day."


She laughed at me. "Did he make you feel bad about it?"

I shook my head.

"And he was understanding?" She sipped her cup.

I took a breath. "Yes."

She laughed. "Then the only one who's being awkward dear, is you. Howard was a dreadful man, terrible. Roy is different, he's never done anything to hurt you, not intentionally anyways."

I stared at her, not really grasping what she was trying to say.

She sighed. "I'm saying you have nothing to worry about."

I sighed and sat back, I looked at the ceiling. "Mom, back then.. how did you know.. about that?"

She picked up her news paper. "Roy. He said you wouldn't tell anyone, so he told me. He told me everything, even the cutting. He was worried about you, so he told on you." She paused. "Do you love him?"

Flamed Out (Roy Mustang X Oc)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz