Character List

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Human Resurrected by Phobos, King of Fear after his death was too painful for Phobos to handle. Known for his spunk and bravery, he is either very much loved or very much hated by all.

He is the King of Fear, and the youngest of the Demon Children. He is also the most powerful however. Known also as Luke, he identifies more closely with Greece. Nasty habit of falling in love with humans.

The Lord of Panic is one of Phobos' closest friends. He was Fear's first Specialist, and always swore to be the last.

Lady of Secrets, Specialist of Fear. She is the youngest Specialist in Hades, and has a unique friendship with Jesse Libélula. She is a horrible liar.

She is the second Specialist for Fear, and is the Lady of Lies. Although many do not trust her, she has so far remained loyal.

Fear Specialist, Lord of Misery. He chose his name after reading Oliver Twist an deeming it an appropriately miserable story.

She is the last Specialist of Fear, and is the Lady of Prejudice. She is immature and not the wisest of demons, but one of the most passionate.

The King of Pride is the eldest of the Demon Children, and does not easily let go of a grudge. However, he doesn't forget family either, as much as he will try to deny it. Second most powerful demon.

A Specialist of Pride, Lady of Rebellion. She is difficult to control and very independent, although she is secretly vulnerable. Only Jane knows this secret.

Pride Specialist of Arrogance. She worked closely with Hamilton in the Trojan War to corrupt the great warrior Achilles.

Lord of Mockery, Specialist of Pride. He is easily offended, but rarely goes into battle, preferring to work behind the scenes. He is very unpopular.

King of Sloth, second oldest of the Demon Children. He is often (foolishly) underestimated, and while he allows that, he will not hesitate to die for those he loves. Very annoying.

Lady of Guilt, Specialist of Sloth. Her aura makes her unpopular, especially with Phobos. She relishes in her effect on her peers.

Sloth Specialist of Cowardice. Sought refuge with Morpheus when Hamilton tried to kill him. He reflects his aura in his personality.

Demon of Arrogance, youngest son of Hamilton and only son of Haylee. Wants to reunite the various schisms in Hades so he can have his stable family.

Demon of Fear, was sent to Hell for freeing a human soul from Hell without permission. He is mockingly called, "the Angel Demon" for his white wings.

Demon of Pride, eldest son of Hamilton. He is one of Phobos' closest friends and is seen as a traitor by many demons of Pride.

Demon of Sloth, son of Morpheus. Close friend of Jay and Phobos, and spends most of his time in the city of Fear. Former lover of Aaron of Envy.

Demon of Envy, prosecuted for betraying both his original master Johanna and his new one Phobos. On the run. Former lover of Robin of Sloth.

Demon King of Wrath, harbors a specific resentment towards Phobos and Hamilton. Launched the war by invading Phobos' lands and wants nothing more than to see Jesse Libélula dead.

Specialist of Hate, formerly of Lyssios. She left him for Phobos' hospitality after millennia of scorn and bad treatment, just like her sister, Hattie. Former lover of Lucy.

Specialist of Murder for Lyssios, he is the oldest Specialist. He and Johanna worked together to create the first murder ever, that of Cain and Abel.

Wrath Specialist of Pain. Feeds off of demons as well as humans, and is much hated and blamed for that reason.

Specialist of Mischief, works for Lyssios. Very resentful towards former lover Stacy for betraying her, hates and blames Jesse Libélula for Stacy's departure.

Demon Queen of Lust. Hates Phobos for rejecting her and continually tries to kill him. Used to work with Hamilton to ruin all of Phobos' relationships with humans.

Specialist of Adultery, he has been Katrina's close lover for millennia. Although neither are true to each other, their love is real, if unconventional.

Katrina's Specialist of Addiction. She prides herself in causing the drug crisis that affects all of the Surface. In love with Katrina, she hates Eros for stealing her Queen's attention, although Katrina wants nothing to do with her.

King of Gluttony, often treated as a joke by all of his siblings except for Morpheus, who was always kind to him. Convinced by Johanna to fight against him, as Morpheus has always been stronger.

Beetle's only Specialist, Specialist of Forgetfulness. She is fiercely loyal to him and is quick to defend him when his siblings mock him.

King of Greed, former friend of Hamilton. The two worked closely together during the rise of the British Empire, but when the war broke out, Hamilton ended the friendship by choosing to fight alongside Phobos.

Greed Specialist of Wealth. Named after the King of Troy, he seeks only situations which will benefit him and thinks of no one else. Because of this, he is unreliable in war

Greed Specialist of Power. He was taught closely by Hamilton, but betrayed him when Plutus offered him greater rewards. He was disappointed, but did not dare switch sides again.

Queen of Envy, she and Lyssios are the most invested into the war. Her motive is hatred towards Jesse for taking Phobos away from her (even though they were never together) and hatred towards Hamilton for leaving her (even though she didn't love him).

Johanna's Specialist of Betrayal, he was charged to orchestrate the kidnapping of Jesse Libélula. He lusted after Jesse, however, and horribly abused him sexually. Phobos has sworn to kill him for this.

Specialist of Revenge, she has worked closely with Johanna especially during the war to punish Phobos and Hamilton for scorning her Queen. She herself has special hatred towards Phobos.

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