Going To The DWMA....NOT!!!

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I was woken up by a ray of sunlight that was hidden under the curtains. When I opened my eyes, it was Walter who woke me up. I sat up in my bed and stretched. "Hello Walter." I said happily. "Hello Miss Sophia. I opened your curtains and breakfast will be ready in 10 minutes. You don't want to be late." Walter said as he left my room. Wait, is today Friday?? I jumped up and looked at my calendar. I smiled brightly. Today's the day I'm going to my new school, the DWMA. I've never went to any public schools, since I was always training and going on missions with my parents. Including my homeschooling. None of us actually know what it stands for, but their still going to let me go. My aunt and mom are excited for me, I don't know about my dad though.....

I got dressed and phased down the stairs. I walked into the dining room to see Aunt Integra and my mum were already there. "Hi mum, Hi Integra!" I exclaimed. In a blink of an eye, I was crushed into an embracing hug with mum's cleavage in my face. "Oh, Sophia!! We are going to miss you very much!" She hollered. I sighed. I knew this would happen... "Seras, I think it would be wise to let her go before she suffocates." I heard Aunt Integra say. "Oh, sorry." Mum said. She let me go and we sat down and started to eat. After that, I went in my room to pack but, it seemed that Walter already did that. So, I went into the basement where my dad sleeps. I knocked on the door. "Dad, can I come in?" I asked. Silence. "Well, I'm guessing that's a yes then." I opened the door to see my father, Alucard, sitting in his throne, drinking his blood/wine and...smirking?

I looked at him, crossing my arms. "What?"I asked. "You didn't have to knock." He said while his devious smirk on his face. "Oh, really?" I asked again. He then nodded. "So, why weren't you upstairs this morning?" I asked. He just shrugged. I sighed. "Will you answer me?' I asked again.


"Why not?"

"Cause I do not want to."

"Ugh, you're so stubborn."

"Yes, thank you for noticing."

"SO, you won't tell me?"


I was starting to get annoyed of his little game. "Well then, if that's the case, I can't wait to leave!!" I exclaimed as I turned my heel and headed for the door. I can't believe that he is doing this! I am terrified of leaving my home to go somewhere far away for the first time in forever. (Oh, You know. XD) As I was about to leave, I felt someone hug me from behind. When I looked up, it was dad. "I'm sorry. I don't want to let you go. If something happens and I'm not there in time, I can't bear to see you hurt." Dad explained to me. He let me go and I faced towards him. I took a deep breath. "Look, I am the same as you. I'm a tough girl, but I do have weaknesses as well. But, I want to go in the world." I said. He smiled a bit. At this time, he was with me 100%. I said goodbye and went in my room to get everything.

My limo was all ready and everyone was at the front door. My mother hugged me and they all said goodbye to me as Walter and I headed to the Train Station. We arrived in 15 minutes flat. We said goodbye and I got on the train and put mu luggage above my seat. I sat down and tried to relax until I saw Pip at the window. I sighed and got off the train . "Hello, Pip!" I greeted. "Bonsieur, Sophia! Did you forget to say goodbye to me now?" He asked cocky. I scoffed. "Well, if you were there, I would of." I retaliated at him. He scratched his head in embarrassment. "I...has ze hangover..." He stated. I slapped my head. Typical him. "Well, I just wanted to say goodbye...and good luck." Pip said. I smiled and hugged him. He went back to the manor.

This is it. I'm leaving the bird's nest and flying. But, how could I when the train was leaving....without me?! Crap! I quickly turned my heel and ran for the train. Luckily, I was a fast runner. I was almost to the door of the train till....WHAM!!! My face impacted the metal sign that said "NO RUNNING." Oh, the irony, huh? Whats worse, my clothes are on the train too! Now, how the hell am I going to get to the DWMA in three days flat?!

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