The Journey Begins

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Jungkook stared lazily at the television screen before him.

"Breaking News: Male omega Park Jimin of the Haeju pack recently celebrated his 20th birthday. Supporters poured into the Capitol by the thousands to celebrate and witness the debut of what some are calling: "the most beautiful person to ever walk this earth." To many's disappointment however, it was revealed by his father; and alpha of the pack, Park Jaeho that his son is set to marry best-selling author and well-known anthropologist Kim Taehyung."

Jungkook scoffed and shut off the television before finishing off his glass of water and setting in back down onto the small puddle of condensation that lingered on the dark wood table. He wasnt much into politics and never had been. He especially couldn't understand the media's obsession with the omega Park Jimin. He'd been the hottest commodity since his birth 20 years ago. Jungkook agreed that it was interesting that he was the only male omega to be born in over 75 years, but what he didn't get was why that was so important.

Why does what someone has between their legs matter so much to complete strangers anyways? he thought.

He remembered the omegas face from the insert clip on the news. He had full cheeks and pale skin, crescent eyes that nearly disappeared with a small smile. Jungkook felt his chest ache and he sat up straight, shaking his head and brushed off the intrusive thought.

Jungkook knew better than to let those feelings even cross his mind. Years of training had nearly diminished all alpha instincts from his body.

We feel nothing, we fear nothing, we are nothing.

The words repeated themselves in his head. The words that had been hammered into his brain for nights and days on end at the academy.

Ever since the Omega Act of 1966, omegas became protected and much more respected than before. It was put into law that using alpha pheromones on omegas to make them submit, forceful marking, and forceful breeding were all now a punishable crime.

But with the new laws in act, criminals became more sneaky, omega trafficking saw an all time high, and even some omegas started using it to
their advantage by using omega pheromones to render alphas useless and get them in trouble for things they'd otherwise have never done. So, a training program was established for true alphas to undergo extreme conditioning learning to control themselves even in the presence of an omega in heat.

Jungkook was the top of his class and would have gone on to become General if he hadn't left the academy following the death of his father. His mother was an omega who was killed by alphas when he was young, and his father sustained life-threatening injuries trying to protect her. He was fueled by his hate for alpha scum and worked hard in training. But when his father passed away he had to return to his home city to care for his parents residence that was left behind. Jungkook thought for a moment how the home which once held so much livelihood in his youth, had become just a hollow shell for bittersweet memories.

He felt his phone buzz through his pocket. Normally Jungkook would ignore an unknown number but something told him to answer.

"Hello Jungkook." a familiar voice pressed before he could give his own greeting.

"Namjoon. To what do I owe this pleasure?" he was already regretting answering and his stomach was churning with anxiousness.

"I need to discuss an opportunity with you. It's urgent." The man on the other line responded. Jungkook sighed. The problem with having completely the training program top of your class? People never stop asking you to work.

"I'm not interested." Jungkook deadpanned not even curious of the assignment.

"Jungkook I'm asking you as a friend, man-to-man. At least hear me out." The older alpha pleaded. Jungkook rolled his eyes and the older took the silence as an opportunity to talk. "There was an incident in the Capitol early this morning. A group of extremists broke in following Omega Park's birthday celebration and used pheromone warfare against the guards and nearly got to him. 5 people were killed. There's been other small attempts at trafficking Omega Park in the past months but now that he's officially presented we only expect it to get worse."

Jungkook thought for a moment, pheromone warfare was especially difficult because as wolves, natural instincts conquered all. But he was trained for this. When he visualized Park Jimin being taken by the extremists and trafficked it made him stir uncomfortably in his chair.

"Listen Jungkook, normally I wouldn't ask you to do this. But my mate, she's Omega Park's court lady and I could never forgive myself if I let-" He stopped briefly to regain his composure. "I'm the only guard that's had the training but we barely escaped with our lives this time. I need you. Please. You'd be Omega Park's personal bodyguard and for the most part that means you'll barely leave the estate. Omega Park spends most of his time indoors as well."

He thought about the omega again, escorting him to and from, and keeping his safe from harms way. His heart sped a bit to which he quickly shook the thought away.

"I'm sorry I can't help you." Jungkook replied sternly. He heard Namjoon sigh from the other end.

"Did he say no?" Jungkook heard faintly from the other line, the voice was soft and velvety and it made the hairs on the back of his neck stand."

"Who was that." Jungkook demanded.

"Just let me try!" he heard a whisper yell before a ruffling of the phone speaker and a small voice said "Hello Jungkook."

He couldn't explain it but the simple greeting left his skin tingling as if it had physically touched him.

"I'm Park Jimin."

"H-Hello." Jungkook curse himself silently for stuttering.

"I know you don't know me and I hope you don't find it rude of me to speak to you this way. I'd prefer to speak formally but with what happened earlier, I don't think they'll let me leave anytime soon." The omega giggled lightly and the alpha clenched his fists at the sound. "I've heard alot of great things about you from Mr. Kim, you seem like a very impressive man Jeon Jungkook." The alphas chest restricted at the small acknowledgement.

"Would you please have dinner at the Capitol tonight? From there you can make your decision."

The alpha swallowed hard and accepted the invitation. Dinner surely couldn't hurt.


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