A Long Time Coming

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My surroundings are faint. I can only make out the counter top in front of me which is my only standing support. The ground is fogged to the point where no one seems to have feet. There are people. Dozens of zombie like bodies swaying back and forth trying to keep balance.

"Two purple hooters please *hic*," said a man who had a little too much to drink.

My attention is captured by the ten empty shot glasses laid out around one full fireball, a shot that could finish me off. I'm hesitant, I have stooped so low yet I still have a little sense left in me.

"Just take it hun, you look like you had a bad day, you need it." I couldn't make out who gave the pressure but I guess she was right, chugging down the eleventh acidic substance, I jumped straight up and dove for the main platform of the club......the dance floor.

Having no rhythm at all, I just stood there, like a helpless little puppy asking to be taken by anyone. Instantly I feel a tug on my belt. A short blonde pulls me in to be a part of her "tease". "You need to let loose! Forget everything and just dance," which I did. (Only if you call swinging your arms back and forth with the occasional step back dancing). She pulls me in once again, but this time to get a taste of all the god awful things she's been drinking.

"I'm not really feeling this" I say as I break from this unpleasurable moment. "Hey! What the fuck are you doing?!" says a very broad looking monster standing beside me. I pull away "look I didn't know what happened, she..." and am quickly met with the guy's fist.......in the face. I guess the girl with the incredibly awful taste in drinks was his "companion" for the night. There's a quick second when your about to hit the ground from a knock out where you just question what led you to this point in the first place. I couldn't answer that. The floor was swamp....layered above by a cloud of fog. I couldn't take it anymore, eleven drinks and a punch to the face was enough to call it a night, even though it was 4 in the morning according to my watch......my watch that started to beep rapidly..?

beep....beep..beep..beep* becoming louder and faster

Beep Beep Beep BEEP BEEP!*

The playful lights of the building fades.

My eyes open........."god...I hate those nightmares" I say moaning out of bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2015 ⏰

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